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List of Municipal and Environmental Violations by Qatar’s MME

Violation list

The Ministry of Municipality and Environment (MME) is a governmental organization in Qatar responsible for implementing and regulating policies related to environmental protection, land use planning, and infrastructure development. Its mandate also includes managing the country’s natural resources and conserving its wildlife. The MME’s mission is to promote sustainable development and ensure the preservation of Qatar’s natural environment for future generations.

If you are expat or Resident of Qatar one should know the Violations List issued by local authorities. what is legal and illegal in the land of Qatar

Please be aware of the Violations List provided by Qatar Ministry of Municipality and Environment. these guidelines will make living easy and comfortable.

This includes violations on the following issues:

• Buildings Permits

• Food Stuff

• General Cleanness 

• Salon Units

• Markets

• Industrial Area

Buildings Permit Violations

The MME in Qatar maintains a list of building permit violations to regulate construction activities and ensure safety standards are met. Building permit violations can include various issues such as constructing buildings without proper permits, non-compliance with approved building plans, safety code violations, and other building-related offenses. The MME tracks and reports these violations to ensure that all construction activities in Qatar follow the established regulations and safety standards. This helps to prevent accidents, protect the environment, and ensure the safety of the public.

Here is the list

1  – building without permit

2 –  infringement on state property and others-

3 –  Working without consultant

4 –  working without putting the cadastral(surveyor)mark.

5 –  Maintenance of a building without permit

6 –  tenancy of the building before issuing the certificate of implementation of the building or join services before the issuance of the certificate

7 –  Obstruction of Traffic

8 –  leave or throwaway the waste of the excavation and building materials in workshops, public roads or land space

9 –  changing the licensed color

10 – changing the interfaces of the building

11 – load, unload or mixed dust, stones or building materials outside the workshop surrounded by a wall

12 – expand the area of ??building without permit

13 – mixing materials outside the boundaries of the building

14 – increase(add) a building(flour) without permit

15 – failure to take procedures and precautions necessary to ensure the safety of workers, passers-by, next buildings and public facilities

16 – Non-compliance with defections and heights

17 – Non-compliance with the conditions of the license especially the approved maps either by adding or expanding

18 – Non removal of  violations

19 – Not to repair excavation or damage in the street or public utilities

20 – Not to make the fence(wall) according to the specifications

21 – not to put the warning, guidance and optical signboards

22 – not to put a wall around the construction site

23 – Not to put a signboard on the building

24 – Making entries which are not allowed

25 – Making the work of excavation without excavations permit.

26 – violating the order of stopping the violated works before removing the causes of the complaint

27 – the destruction of buildings without permit

28 – the destruction of the building or any part of it without obtaining a license

Food Stuff Violations

The MME in Qatar maintains a list of foodstuff violations to ensure the safety and quality of food products sold in the country. Foodstuff violations can include issues such as selling expired or contaminated food, using unauthorized ingredients, and other violations related to food handling and storage. The MME monitors and enforces compliance with food safety regulations and takes appropriate action against those who violate the rules. The aim of tracking foodstuff violations is to protect public health and ensure that all food products sold in Qatar are safe for consumption.

Here is the detailed violations list

1- (accumulation / and not separated / rules / lighting / shelves / spaces)

2- Using the  shop for housing

3- Use tools of preparing the uncooked meat and fish in preparing vegetables

4- Using newspaper in packaging

5- Doors and windows are not securely closed and do not close automatically.

6- the floor is not valid and there are damages in it

7- walls and ceilings are not painted with oil painting, there are cracks and the walls are not clean

8- cars are not clean and are not ready to transport foodstuff.

9- color is invalid / inappropriate

10- space is inappropriate to practice the activity

11- continuation of heating oil for deep frying on high temperature for a long time without change

12- freeze foodstuff  that have been prepared and re-heated again

13- Heating frozen foodstuff by water at room temperature

14- Disable conditioners of cooling and freezing in the car used for distributing and marketing

15- accumulation of tools and utensils without cleaning in public shops

16- accumulation of food displayed improperly in the shops

17- inadequate ventilation and high temperature “air conditions are not sufficient”

18- not to wear uniform and head cover and hand glove

19- not to wear gloves while preparing and packing food stuff.

20- not to clean water tanks and filter continuously

21- Not to follow the activity specified for the license

22- not to be interested in  personal cleanliness

23- lack of commitment to the conditions of foodstuffs refilled card

24- not to get rid of waste in a proper and organized way to prevent its accumulation

25- not to allocate places for cleaners and chemicals separate from food

26- not to assign plastic cutting boards in different colors for meat, fish and vegetables

27- not to assign a place for expired or damaged foodstuff

28- not to clean or inefficiency of the  action of cleaning for production lines

29- not to cover prepared foods with aluminum foil – clear plastic when putting in refrigerators

30- lack of healthy  conditions for re-packaging

31- lack of ventilation and suitable temperature for storage

32- lack of a sufficient number of containers of waste and rubbish

33- lack of a sufficient numbers of Sinks

34 – the lack of suitable stores with the appropriate size for the volume of work

35 – not to save cooked foods in a proper temperature (cold / hot)

36-Inefficiency of tools for the production of factories

37- lack of maintenance and cleanliness of tables, kitchen tools, vessels in public shops

38-not to sort fruits and vegetables displayed for sale

39- not to separate the place of cutting uncooked foods away from the place of food during preparation

40- inefficiency of  refrigerators in shops- disruption of thermometers “cooling – freeze”

41- not to clean used towels

42- not to clean the sinks and toilets in public shops

43- lack of cleaning and validity of  floors

44- lack of sufficient and appropriate lighting

45- lack of covers for drainage

46- lack of healthy certificates

47- lack of liquid soap / tissue paper / means of sterilization and disinfection

48- lack of tables for processing and preparation / unsuitable tables

49- lack of electric insect traps

50- displaying foodstuff  out of the shop

51- sick workers or injured with wounds and ulcers

52- all or part of the establishment was built by inappropriate materials

53- violation of healthy conditions in the shop

54- Violation of work activity regarding the license

55 – unhealthy traditions (smoking / spitting / eat at work .. etc.)

56- the existence of insects or rodents in stores that sell food

57- the existence of slots that allow the entry of insects

58- the existence of fungal growth and waste inside the refrigerator of showing

General Cleanness Violations

The MME in Qatar also maintains a list of general cleanliness violations to regulate the cleanliness of public spaces and maintain a hygienic environment. General cleanliness violations can include issues such as littering, illegal dumping of waste, improper disposal of hazardous waste, and other violations related to maintaining a clean environment. The MME tracks and reports these violations to ensure that individuals and businesses comply with established regulations and help maintain a clean and healthy environment in Qatar. The aim is to promote environmental sustainability and protect public health by keeping public spaces clean and free from hazardous waste.

Details are given below

1- Throw or leave the old instruments, equipments or their parts on public roads, sidewalks or in public places.

2- Throw or leave waste, rubbish, trash bags or empty cans in the front of public stores or shops or outside the container designated for that.                       

3- Throw or leave food waste in gardens, on the beach, in public places or land space.

4- Throw animal muck or waste in places not assigned to them.

5- Throw waste of trees or gardens in roads or places not assigned to them.

6- Throw tissue paper, waste, empty cans, garbage or spitting on the sidewalks or in the other public places.

7- To leave the neglected cars on road, on sidewalks or in public places.

8- leave or throw the waste of excavation and building materials in workshops, on public roads or land space.

9- Throw or leave trash, garbage bags, food waste, waste paper or neglected rubbish in front of houses, roads or public places.

10- leak of cement remnants out of the cars of ready-mix concrete on public roads.

11- leak of  bath water in the public roads.

12- escape of sewage from cesspits or sinks or absence of a tight cover.

13- cleaning or drying carpets , blankets or clothes out side the windows or balconies overlooking the roads or public places.

14- not to use the cover of protection for the means of transport tightly which may lead to loss their contents.

15- washing cars, machines or other means of transportation in unacceptable places.

16- violation of healthy conditions in shops.

Salons Unit Violations

The MME in Qatar also maintains a list of violations related to the operation of salons in the country. Salons unit violations can include issues such as non-compliance with health and safety regulations, unlicensed operation, unsanitary conditions, and other violations related to salon services. The MME tracks and reports these violations to ensure that all salons operating in Qatar meet the established regulations and provide safe and healthy services to their customers. The aim is to protect public health and promote safe and healthy salon services in the country.

1 -Using the Salon for housing

2 – Using the old tools and equipments  and non-renewing them  (chairs, cabinets, etc.)

3 – Using  hair dyes, creams and mixes and other materials which are not authorized by the Ministry of Health

4 – Doors and windows are  not self-closing

5 – walls and ceilings is painted in oil paint and the presence of cracks

6 – walls and ceilings is painted in oil paint and the presence of cracks and the walls weren?t cleaned

7 – Not Efficient space for the activity

8 – inadequate ventilation and high temperature ” non sufficient air conditioning “

9 – Do not wear aprons while working in Salons

10 – lack of commitment to the secure  and safety of electrical appliances

11 – lack of attention to personal hygiene

12 – failure to maintain the cleanliness of all the tools and equipments used (body cure  and manicure tools …. etc.)

13 – Non ? renewal  the ended license of the salons

14 – A lack of sterilization of the used instruments

15 – Non cleaned walls and floors

16 – lack of cleaning  used towels

17 – Non cleaned  sinks and toilets in public salons

18 – lack of health certificates

19 – There is no liquid soap / toilet paper / means of sterilization and disinfection

20 – There is no list of prices in the salon  and no smoking  board

21 – No barrier is put for the salon interface or the use of hidden glass

22 – violating  of health requirements in the business activity

23 – The holes allow the entry of insects found.

Markets Violations

1 – Obstruction of traffic

2 – Sale of goods without a license

3 – Open a shop without a license

4 – Practicing of profession peddler without a license

5 – Practicing of itinerant profession without a license

6 – Putting the goods on public sidewalks

7 – Putting air conditioners on the public sidewalks

  • The MME in Qatar tracks and reports violations related to markets operating in the country.
  • Market violations can include issues such as selling counterfeit products, selling expired or contaminated food, unauthorized use of public spaces, and other violations related to market operations.
  • The MME monitors and enforces compliance with regulations related to market activities.
  • The aim is to protect consumers from fraud and harmful products, promote fair market competition, and ensure the safety and hygiene of marketplaces in Qatar.
  • The MME works to ensure that markets operate in compliance with established regulations to promote public safety and prevent accidents.

Industrial Area Violations

The MME in Qatar tracks and reports violations related to the operation of industrial areas in the country. Industrial area violations can include issues such as non-compliance with environmental regulations, illegal waste disposal, and other violations related to industrial activities. The MME monitors and enforces compliance with regulations related to industrial activities and takes appropriate action against those who violate the rules. The aim is to protect public health and the environment by promoting sustainable and responsible industrial practices in Qatar.

1 – Building without a permit

2 – Installing a board  without a license

3 – No Posters on the shop

4 – Posters does not meet the terms

5 – The practice of commercial activity without a license

MME (Ministry of Municipality and Environment) in Qatar is responsible for tracking and reporting various types of violations to ensure compliance with regulations related to building permits, food safety, general cleanliness, salons, markets, and industrial areas. By enforcing regulations, the MME aims to protect public health, promote environmental sustainability, and maintain a safe and healthy living environment in Qatar.

FAQs about MME Qatar

Here are some frequently asked questions about the MME in Qatar:

What is the role of the MME in Qatar?

The MME in Qatar is responsible for ensuring compliance with regulations related to various areas such as building permits, food safety, general cleanliness, salons, markets, and industrial areas. The aim is to promote public health, environmental sustainability, and a safe and healthy living environment in Qatar.

What types of violations does the MME track and report?

The MME tracks and reports violations related to various areas such as building permits, food safety, general cleanliness, salons, markets, and industrial areas. Violations can include issues such as non-compliance with regulations, unsafe practices, and other violations related to the specific area.

What action does the MME take against violators?

The MME takes appropriate action against violators, depending on the severity of the violation. Actions can include warnings, fines, license suspensions, and legal action if necessary.

How can I report a violation to the MME?

You can report a violation to the MME by contacting their hotline or visiting their website. You will need to provide details about the violation, such as the location and type of violation.

The purpose of enforcing regulations related to these areas is to promote public health, environmental sustainability, and a safe and healthy living environment in Qatar. By ensuring compliance with regulations, the MME aims to protect consumers from harmful practices, promote fair competition, and maintain a clean and safe environment.

 Source: Ministry of Municipality and Environment

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Written by Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna is the accomplished eCommerce and retail branding expert, renowned for creating captivating content, building brand reputation, and fostering brand growth. With expertise in targeted marketing campaigns and exceptional customer experiences, Sri Krishna cultivates brand loyalty and recognition. Through innovative branding strategies, Sri Krishna empowers businesses to succeed in the ever-evolving eCommerce and retail landscape.

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