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Everything about end of service gratuity in Qatar

Everything about end of service gratuity in Qatar

Do you have plans to change your job or planning to leave the job and move back to your home country? Before ending your employment in Qatar, you need to know about some important things End of Service Gratuity (EOSG).  Here we’re telling you all about the end of service gratuity and how to calculate it according to MADLSA.

Qualification for gratuity

How is the End of Service Gratuity (EOSG) calculated in Qatar?

It is calculated according to the expatriate worker’s last basic salary.

Total serviceEOSG calculation
Less than a yearNo gratuity
One year and aboveThree weeks (21 days) for each year of service

Online calculator for end of service gratuity.

Workers can calculate their end-of-service payment through the e-service provided by The Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs (MADLSA).

You can find the online calculator here:

How to calculate your end of service gratuity:

  • Fill the starting date of your work as per your contract.
  • Fill your last working date.
  • Fill your basic monthly salary as per your contract.
  • Fill the number of payable days per year (minimum of three weeks or 21 days as per the law).
  • Click “Calculate”.

End of service gratuity according to Labour Law

According to Qatar Labour Law (Article 54 of Law No. 14 of 2004):

In addition to any amounts that are due to the Worker at separation from service, the Employer shall pay the end of service gratuity to the Worker who has completed employment of one year or more. Such gratuity shall be specified by the agreement of the two parties, provided that it is not less than the Wage of three weeks for every year of the years of his service. The Worker shall be entitled to gratuity for the fractions of the year in proportion to the duration he spent in service.

The Worker’s service shall be considered continuous if it is terminated in cases other than those stipulated in Article (61) of this Law and he is reinstated within two months of the date of separation.

The calculation of the gratuity shall be based on the Worker’s last Basic Wage.

The Employer may deduct from the service gratuity any amount that the Worker owes him.

End of service gratuity according to Domestic Workers Law

According to Article 15 of the Law No. (15) Of 2017 on Domestic Workers:

In addition to any amounts due to the Worker at the end of his/her term of service, the Employer shall pay an end-of-service gratuity to the Worker who has been employed for a period of one full year or more as of the effective date of this Law. The gratuity shall be determined and agreed by both parties, provided it is not less than a three-week-pay for each year of service. The

Worker is further entitled to get a gratuity for fractions of the year based on the entire duration of service proportionately.

The Employer shall be entitled to deduct from the gratuity the amounts the Worker owes to the Employee.

Can an employer terminate the employee without notice and without paying end-of-service gratuity?

According to Article 61 of the Labour Law, the Employer may dismiss the Worker without notice and payment of the end of service gratuity in the following cases:

  • If the Worker impersonates another personality, claims a nationality other than his nationality, or presents false documents or certificates.
  • If the Worker commits a mistake resulting in a gross financial loss to the Employer, provided that the Employer shall notify the Department of the incident within a period not to exceed the end of the next working day after having learned thereof.
  • If the Worker contravenes the instructions of the Employer in respect of maintaining the safety of the Workers and the Establishment more than once in spite of being warned in writing thereof and provided that such instructions are written and posted in a prominent place.
  • If the Worker breaches his substantial obligations prescribed in the Employment Contract or upon this Law more than once in spite of addressing a written warning thereto. If the Worker discloses the secrets of the Establishment he works for.
  • If the Worker is found in a state of evident drunkenness or under the influence of drugs during working hours.
  • If the Worker assaults the Employer, the manager or any superiors in the Establishment, during the Work or for reason thereof.
  • If the Worker’s assault on his colleagues is repeated in spite of being warned in writing.
  • If the worker is absent from work without a legitimate reason for more than seven continuous days, or for an intermittent period of fifteen days in one year.
  • If the Worker is convicted by a final judgment with a crime affecting integrity and honesty

Can employers of domestic workers terminate the employment contract without notice and without paying end-of-service gratuity?

They may terminate the employment contract if the worker does not abide by the obligations stipulated in the employment contract or those described in Articles (16) and (11) of Law No. 15 of 2017 on Domestic Workers.

Written by Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna is the accomplished eCommerce and retail branding expert, renowned for creating captivating content, building brand reputation, and fostering brand growth. With expertise in targeted marketing campaigns and exceptional customer experiences, Sri Krishna cultivates brand loyalty and recognition. Through innovative branding strategies, Sri Krishna empowers businesses to succeed in the ever-evolving eCommerce and retail landscape.

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