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Websites and E-Services offered by Qatar Government

elwctronic Services Qatar

Government websites provide access to information and services. Users increasingly visit government websites to learn about agencies, their services, and to use online services. As part of the Digital Government 2020 Strategy, 100% of government services will be available online and 80% of all transactions will be carried out online.

Hence, in this article, we are going to mention all the important websites and e-services offered by the Qatar government. Read the whole article so that you won’t miss any important service or website for future benefit.

Open Data Policy

To achieve Qatar’s National Vision 2030 goals for social progress, human development, a sound and diversified economy, and a sustainable environment, Qatar’s Open Data Policy is part of meeting its National Development Strategy 2011-16 mandate. According to the strategy, building a knowledge-based society will require a culture of openness and transparency, where knowledge bases are kept current and easily accessible, which in turn fosters a culture of routinely processing, sharing, and interpreting information.

The Data Management Policy

The Data Management Policy was developed to set governance and standard processes for managing and sharing data across all government agencies in the State of Qatar. Those who manage data in the public sector are given clear responsibilities.

Among the key provisions of the policy are Data Governance, Data Administration, Data Protection, and Data Sharing. Do you know there are privacy, copyright, legal, and security considerations involved with this policy? Agencies should ensure they are compliant with the relevant legislation in Qatar.

Website :

Qatar e-Government 2020 Strategy

Qatar’s Digital Government 2020 Strategy emphasizes simple, fast, and secure services available anywhere, any time. As part of the strategy, technology will be used to deliver real benefits to the people of Qatar – whether citizens, residents, visitors; businesses, as well as government entities. Among the key objectives of Qatar Digital Government 2020 is to improve customer experience, improve access to government services, and improve government efficiency.

Website : e-Government

Qatar’s National ICT Plan 2015

ictQATAR created Qatar’s National ICT Plan 2015: Advancing the Digital Agenda, which will guide their efforts through 2015. Qatar’s National Vision 2030 aligns with this plan, while Qatar’s National Development Strategy 2011-2016 aligns with its specific programs.

It is organized into five strategic thrusts, which are considered critical components to creating a lasting digital future. In total, 11 programs are associated with each of the five thrusts.

website :

Telecommunications Law of Qatar

The Telecommunications Law was promulgated by Decree-Law 34 of 2006.

Qatar National Development Strategy 2011-16

When Father Emir His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani announced Qatar’s National Vision 2030 (QNV 2030), he outlined a step-by-step plan for turning QNV 2030’s goals into concrete achievements. Introducing Qatar’s first National Development Strategy for 2011-2016, this plan aims to lead Qatar’s economic, social, cultural, and environmental development to become even more prosperous and set the course for future national strategies.

Website :

The Population Policy of the State of Qatar 2017-22

Qatar’s Permanent Population Committee (PPC) felt the need to make a detailed assessment of its population policy six years after its launch in October 2009, especially after the rapid population growth in the State during that period. A population policy does not consist of a one-off action but is an ongoing process whose goals are altered according to the demographic reality of the State and whose actions are renewed according to the latest developments. Furthermore, coordination with the institutional framework of the State was important, especially to ensure compatibility between the demographic policy goals, the goals of the National Development Strategy, and other various national sector strategies, and to ensure compatibility with the Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

Website :

National Cyber Security Strategy

Increasing adoption of the Internet and state-of-the-art ICT solutions in critical sectors like finance and energy has led to a dynamic and integral part of our society in cyberspace. Nevertheless, cyberspace with its complete borders furnishes those who would damage with the possibility to obstruct individuals and businesses.

Hence to protect the nation’s critical information infrastructure and to provide a safe and secure online environment for every sector, the Qatar government make the National Cyber Security Committee. 

There are many more websites and policies made by the Qatar government for its citizens apart from the above services. Let us know how many services you already knew in the comment section!

Website :

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Written by Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna is the accomplished eCommerce and retail branding expert, renowned for creating captivating content, building brand reputation, and fostering brand growth. With expertise in targeted marketing campaigns and exceptional customer experiences, Sri Krishna cultivates brand loyalty and recognition. Through innovative branding strategies, Sri Krishna empowers businesses to succeed in the ever-evolving eCommerce and retail landscape.

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