We all know trendy indoor plants are becoming famous via Instagram, Facebook, and all other social media. However, they are not just popular because they are nice and beautiful. They also work as an air purifier, and today we are going to know more about them.
Can indoor plants purify the home?
According to the studies series of NASA in the 80s, ‘indoor plants could purify the air.’ However, at present researchers say that we need 680 plants in a 1,500-square-foot home for the greenery to fight against toxins.
However, indoor plants have other air-purifying and health advantages that don’t demand building a wall-to-wall jungle to enjoy. A little greenery might boost indoor air quality. What better way to liven up your living space than by adding some easy-care plants?
Why is indoor air quality important?
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, we spend approx 90% of our time indoors, and we are exposed to indoor air pollution almost all the time.
Causes of indoor air pollution
- furnishings
- carpet
- paint
- upholstery
- synthetic building materials
- dry-cleaned clothing
- cleaning products
- pesticides
- bacteria
- mold
- outdoor pollution
Other items in a home or office that release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) include paint on the walls and furniture upholstery. VOC levels are usually two to five times higher inside than outside.
Even though we’re all exposed to some indoor air pollution, it’s unlikely to cause health problems. However, you may feel sick in some cases when the ventilation is bad, or if you are highly sensitive. Some of the symptoms are headache, nausea, and fatigue also known as ‘sick building syndrome.’
Health benefits of air purifying indoor plants
Though it would make filling your home or office with ridiculously enormous amounts of greenery affect VOC levels, indoor plants can still enhance your air quality.
Indoor plants can
- lower stress
- boost attention capability
- control or reduce coughing and congestion
- decrease irritation of eyes, ears, nose, and throat
Indoor plants help to remove stagnant air and work as a natural humidifier. They also decrease the CO2 level. Apart from all this, it helps to reduce stress.
9 Best Air purifying indoor plants
Following is the list of 9 air-purifying indoor plants.
1. Garden Mum

Garden mums are one famous and inexpensive you can have. They bloom so beautifully. These flowers are also excellent for plant relations since they’ll periodically need some pruning.
Place them in a cool area with a minimum of 10 hours of sunlight. Keep the pets away from this plant as they are toxic for them.
2. Spider Plant

They are one of the easiest air-purifying indoor plants to grow, and an ideal choice for beginners. When they receive bright, indirect sunlight, spider plants will send out shoots with flowers that eventually grow into baby spider plants or spiderettes.
You can place the babies in their pots of soil while still attached to the mother. Cut them off once they have rooted.
3. Dracaena

Dracaena plants have more than 40 types, which makes them easy to find for home and office. However, they are toxic to cats and dogs.
They need big pots and more space as they grow fast to 3 feet tall. Rather than being watered, they wanted to be mowed.
4. Ficus/Weeping Fig

They are the native plants of southeast Asia and Australia. It grows indoors and can reach 10 feet if it’s well cared for.
Plant this drought-tolerant beauty in bright indirect light and let the soil dry between waterings.
5. Peace Lily

They are one of the smallest plants on the list, thus ideal for indoors. Put them in a dim spot and keep the soil damp without watering too much. They also give flowers in the summer.
Peace lilies do contribute some pollen and floral scents to the air, so beware of it. They are toxic for children and pets.
6. Boston Fern

They prefer to purify the air from a cool location with the help of high humidity and indirect light. Boston Fern needs dampness however, they are easy to grow. Give your plant plenty of water once a month.
7. Snake Plant/Mother-in-Law’s Tongue

This is one of the toughest indoor plants to kill. Though it does need to be dampened sometimes, it generally favors dry circumstances. The snake plant accepts most light levels, making it an easy choice for just about any room.
8. Bamboo Palm

Bamboo palm offers a lot of green to your house, attaining heights of 12 feet, however, they grow slow.
9. Aloe Vera

The health benefits of aloe go beyond its ease of care. The leaves of the plant contain a clear liquid that contains vitamins, enzymes, amino acids, and other compounds with wound-healing, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties.
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