An inspection campaign has been carried out (between June 15 to 18.2020) by the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor, and Social Affairs (MADLSA), ensuring the companies’ conformity with the Ministry’s decision no. 16 for 2007 specifying working hours in the summer for work operation under the sun.
In the conducted campaign, around 56 companies were told to close the worksites for 3 days for violating the provisions of decisions.
During the campaigns, 56 companies were notified of the closure of worksites for 3 days for violating the provisions of the decision.
The companies which are violated are operating in the contracting sector in the areas – Al Sailiya, Al Kharaitiyat, Al Gharafa, Umm Sneem, Al Hilal, Al Wakrah, Rawdat Al Hamama, Lusail, Al Kheisa, Al Khor, Izghawa, Ain Khaled, Fereej Al Murra, Unaizah, Al Thumama, Muaither, Frij Al Manasir
To avoid closing the workplace, the ministry notified all the companies to abide by the working hours during summer for the work performed under the sun.
The ministerial decision No.16 for 2007 identifies working hours for work performed in open place during (June 15 to August 31 of each year). The working hours are identified so that it does not surpass five hours in the morning shift and ends before 11:30 AM whereas, the evening shift begins at 3 PM.
The Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor, and Social Affairs has provided the hotline number 40280660, with email id as ADLSA_LBRADLSA.GOV.QA. In case, if there needs to report violations in this matter.
The state of Qatar with these measures wants to ensure safety of both the workers and work environment.