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Limited employees at workplace are allowed from 1st July

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Qatar Traffic

H.E Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Khalid bin Khalifa bin Abdulaziz AL-Thani have directed the regular Cabinet meeting via video communication. 

Following the meeting, H.E. Minister of Justice and Acting Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Dr. Issa bin Saad Al Jafali Al Nuaimi stated the following:

In the meeting held, the cabinet was focused on the presentation by the Minister of Public Health. The presentation was about the procedures to be taken to control the COVID -19 pandemic. 

The cabinet stated to continue the application of precautionary measures to combat this epidemic. 

In accordance with the measures, the cabinet has taken a step to open-up some restrictions in COVID – 19, which are as follows : 

50% of employees at the workplace

For the government entities, the decision has been taken to reduce the number of employees at the workplace. As per the new rule, only 50 percent of the total number of employees are allowed at the workplace. The rest of the employees are required to follow  their work process remotely from their homes. 

Similarly, in the private sectors, 50 percent of the total number of workers will be allowed to work in offices, and the rest can continue to work remotely.

60% capacity of private health care facilities

  1. There is an amendment in private health care facilities regarding the suspension of medical services. The medical service is to be provided within 60 percent of capacity of private health care facilities, along with the providence of emergency services.  

In addition to the amendments, following must be taken into account  :

  • Implementation of previous exceptions finalized by the Cabinet in this matter. 
  • Commitment to follow the precautionary measures and procedures, and controls regulated by the Ministry of Public Health. 
  1. The proficient authorities in the particular sector shall take required measures in this regard. 
  1. This decision is effective as of Wednesday, July 1.2020, until the further notice. 

Apart from, the Cabinet ministers has considered the following topics : 

  1. They took important measures to issue the following draft laws, by reviewing the recommendations of Shura Council : 
  • Amendments to be made in some provisions of Law no.1 of 1986 on the registration of pharma companies and their products
  • An amendment in some provisions of Law no.12 of 2006 in regards to the cancelled Municipality of Mesaieed.
  1. The ministry has approved the draft cabinet decision to develop National Terrorism Committe and work upon its remuneration.

In regards to the draft laws, there is an update within the framework of legislation with the replacement of Cabinet Decision No. 7 of 2007 on the establishment of the National Counter-Terrosism Committee. 

The draft specified that the National Counter-Terrorism Committe will be created of two representatives from Ministry of Interior. One from the ministry will be the chairman of the committee, in addition to a representative from each of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Public Prosecution, the State Security Service, and Qatar Central Bank. The committee shall assume the powers prescribed for it in accordance with the provisions of the Counter-Terrorism Law promulgated by Law No. 27 of 2019.

  1. The cabinet’s draft decision is approved to make amendments for some provisions of Decision No. 35 of 2014 on the establishment of committee in order to organize heavy transport by adding a representative from the Ministry of Municipality and Environment to the membership of Committee. 
  1. The cabinet approves a draft protocol with an amendment in the air transport agreement between the governments of the State of Qatar and United States of America.  It also approved a draft memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the stream of central banking between the Qatar Central Bank and    National Bank of Kyrgyz Republic
  1. The cabinet ministry has inspected the results of the second extraordinary meeting of the trade cooperation committee of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states, which appeared on April 16.2020 and took the required decision. 

Source: Qatar News Agency

Written by Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna is the accomplished eCommerce and retail branding expert, renowned for creating captivating content, building brand reputation, and fostering brand growth. With expertise in targeted marketing campaigns and exceptional customer experiences, Sri Krishna cultivates brand loyalty and recognition. Through innovative branding strategies, Sri Krishna empowers businesses to succeed in the ever-evolving eCommerce and retail landscape.

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