Embassies in Qatar represent foreign governments and serve as the official diplomatic channels between their respective countries and Qatar. The primary function of an embassy is to protect the interests of their country and its citizens in Qatar.
Embassies also serve as a source of information about the culture, politics, and economy of their home country to people living in Qatar. They provide various services such as issuing visas, passports, and other travel documents to Qatari citizens who wish to visit their countries, and providing consular assistance to their citizens residing in Qatar.
The establishment of an embassy in a foreign country is typically governed by international treaties, diplomatic protocols, and host country laws. In Qatar, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for managing diplomatic relations with foreign governments and embassies operating in the country.
Qatar is home to many embassies, representing a wide range of countries from around the world. These embassies are located in the capital city of Doha and play an important role in maintaining international relations and promoting cultural exchange between Qatar and the rest of the world.
Embassies Activities
Embassies in Qatar are responsible for a variety of activities, including:
- Diplomatic Relations: Embassies act as official representatives of their respective countries and are responsible for maintaining diplomatic relations with Qatar. This includes negotiating treaties, conducting talks with government officials, and promoting cultural and economic ties.
- Consular Services: Embassies provide a range of consular services to their citizens residing in Qatar, including issuing passports, visas, and other travel documents. They also provide assistance to their citizens in cases of emergencies, such as accidents or arrests.
- Trade Promotion: Embassies work to promote trade and investment between their countries and Qatar. They organize trade missions, seminars, and other events to facilitate business opportunities for their citizens.
- Cultural Promotion: Embassies promote their country’s culture in Qatar through events such as cultural festivals, music concerts, art exhibitions, and film screenings.
- Education Promotion: Embassies work to promote educational opportunities in their country to Qatari students. They facilitate academic exchange programs, scholarships, and other educational opportunities.
- Political Affairs: Embassies in Qatar are responsible for monitoring political developments in Qatar and providing updates to their governments. They also engage in discussions with Qatari officials on a wide range of political issues.
- Public Diplomacy: Embassies engage in public diplomacy to enhance their country’s image in Qatar. This includes outreach to the media, academic institutions, and civil society organizations to promote their country’s values and interests.
List of Embassies and locations in Qatar
Table of Contents
- Embassies Activities
- List of Embassies and locations in Qatar
- A
- Algeria Embassy
- Argentine Republic, The Embassy
- Australia, The Embassy
- Austria, The Embassy
- B
- Bangladesh, The Embassy of the People’s Republic
- Belgium, The Embassy
- Bulgaria, The Embassy
- Brazil, The Embassy
- C
- Canada, The Embassy
- China, The Embassy of the People’s Republic
- Costa Rica, The Embassy
- Cuba, The Consular Office of the Embassy
- Cyprus, The Embassy
- D
- Denmark, Consulate General
- Dominican Republic, Embassy
- E
- Ethiopia, The Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic
- F
- Finland, The Embassy
- France, The Embassy
- G
- Germany, The Embassy of the Federal Republic
- Ghana, The Embassy of the Republic
- Georgia, The Embassy
- I
- India, The Embassy
- Indonesia, The Embassy of the Republic
- Italy, The Embassy
- J
- Japan, The Embassy
- Jordan, The Embassy
- K
- Kazakhstan, The Embassy of the Republic
- Kenya, The Embassy
- Korea, The Embassy of the Republic
- Kuwait, The Embassy
- L
- Lebanon, The Embassy of the Republic
- M
- Macedonia (North), Embassy
- Malaysia, The Embassy
- Morocco, The Embassy of the Kingdom
- N
- Nepal, The Embassy
- Netherlands, The Embassy
- Nigeria, The Embassy
- Norway, The Embassy
- Panama, The Embassy
- Pakistan, The Embassy
- Paraguay, The Embassy
- Peru, The Embassy
- Philippines, The Embassy of The Republic
- R
- Russia, The Embassy
- O
- Oman, The Embassy of the Sultanate
- S
- Serbia, The Embassy of the Republic
- Senegal, the Embassy
- Singapore, The Embassy
- South Africa, The Embassy of
- South Korea, The Embassy of the Republic
- Spain, The Embassy
- Sri Lanka, The Embassy
- Sudan, The Embassy
- Sweden, The Embassy
- Switzerland, The Embassy
- T
- Tajikistan, The Embassy
- Tanzania, Embassy of the United Republic
- Thailand, The Embassy
- Tunisia, the Embassy
- Turkey, The Embassy
- U
- United states of America ( USA ), The Embassy
- Joined Kingdom, The Embassy
- Uruguay, The Embassy
- V
- Venezuela, the Embassy
- Vietnam, The Embassy
Algeria Embassy
- Area: Diplomatic Area, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 44835880/44838729
- Fax: +974 44836923/44836072
- Email: info@embalgdoha.com.qa
- Site: http://www.embalgeria.com.qa/index.php/fr/
- Working hours: Sunday to Thursday: 8:30 am – 1:30 pm
Argentine Republic, The Embassy
- Area: Rawdat Ehraish St., Villa 6, Zone 66, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4417 3601
- Fax: +974 974 4427 3609
- Emergency call (24 hours): +974 5039 8775
- Email: eqatr@mrecic.gov.ar
- Site: http://eqatr.mrecic.gov.ar/en
- Working hours: Sunday to Thursday: 08:30 am – 03:30 pm (government office); Sunday to Thursday: 9 am to 1 pm (office)
Australia, The Embassy
- Area: Tornado Tower, Level 21, Majlis Al Taawon Street, Dafna, Post Box 22131, Doha – Qatar.
- Tel: +974 4007 8500
- Emergency call: +61 2 6261 3305 or SMS +61 421 269 080
- Fax: +974 4007 8503
- Email: embassy.doha@dfat.gov.au
- Site: http://qatar.embassy.gov.au
- Working hours: Sunday to Thursday: 8:30 am – 4 pm
Austria, The Embassy
- Area: Palm Tower B, Level 33, West Bay, Dafna, P.O. Box 12011, Doha – Qatar.
- Tel: +974 4033 7300/4033 7301/4033 7302
- Emergency call: +974 3321 1450
- Fax: +974 40337373
- Email: doha-ob@bmeia.gv.at
- Site: http://bmeia.gv.at/en/austrian-consulate-doha
- Working hours: only with appointment
Bangladesh, The Embassy of the People’s Republic
- Area: Building no. 153, Street no. 820, Zone 43, New Al Hilal, Doha – Qatar.
- Tel: +974 4467 1927/4467 3471/4467 8443
- Fax: +974 4467 1190
- Email: bdootqat@gmail.com
- Site: www.bdembassydoha.org
- Working hours: Sunday to Thursday: 7:30 am – 2:30 pm
Belgium, The Embassy
- Area: Al Sanaa Street, District 64 (between Al Markhiya and Al Jamia Avenue), PO Box 24418, Doha-Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 1542/4493 1499
- Fax: +974 4493 0151
- Emergency call: +974 6661 8985
- Email: doha@diplobel.fed.be
- Site: http://diplomatie.belgium.be/qatar
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Embassy-of-Belgium-in-Qatar/765709360149363?ref=hl
- Working hours: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 1 pm
Bulgaria, The Embassy
- Area: Waraqa Bin Nawfal, Street no. 848, Building no. 98, Zone 66, West Bay, Dafna, PO Box 23812, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4412 0023
- Fax: +974 4412 0024
- Emergency call: +974 5051 1812
- Email: embassy.doha@mfa.bg
- Site: https://www.mfa.bg/en/consulates/qatar
- Working hours: Sunday to Thursday: 9:30 am – 12.30 pm
Brazil, The Embassy
- Area: Building 20, Street 980, Wadi Al-Hadab, Al Dafna, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 8227/4483 8812
- Consular: Extensions: 232/234/230
- Email: brasemb.doha@itamaraty.gov.br (general); consular.doha@itamaraty.gov.br (consular)
- Site: http://doha.itamaraty.gov.br/pt-br/
- Opening timing: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am to 12 pm
Canada, The Embassy
- Area: 30th Floor, Tornado Tower, Corner of Majlis Al Taawon Street and Al Funduq Street, PO Box 24876, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4419 9000
- Fax: +974 4419 9035
- Emergency Tel: +1 613 996 8885
- Email: dohag@international.gc.ca
- Site: www.canadainternational.gc.ca/qatar/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CanEmbQat/
- Timings: Sunday to Thursday, 8.00 – 16.00 (working hours); Monday and Wednesday, 9.00 – 12.00 (consular hours)
China, The Embassy of the People’s Republic
- Area: Building 250, Street 801, Zone 66, PO Box 17200, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 4203
- Fax: +974 44934201
- Email: chinaemb-qa@mfa.gov.cn
- Site: http://qa.china-embassy.org/eng/
Costa Rica, The Embassy
- Area: Villa No. 40, Street No. 835, Zone 64, Lejbailat, Doha – Qatar.
- Tel: +974 4498 0094
- Emergency call : +974 6613 4894
- Fax: +974 4498 0106
- Email: info@costaricaembassy-qatar.net (data); consular@costaricaembassy-qatar.net (consular undertakings); secretary@costaricaembassy-qatar.net (secretary)
- Site: http://www.costaricaembassy-qatar.net/
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 9 am – 12 pm (only appointment)
- Telephone service: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am to 4 pm
Cuba, The Consular Office of the Embassy
- Area: Villa 41, 802 Street, Zone 66, New Dafna, West Bay Lagoon, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4411 0714/4411 0717
- Emergency call : +974 6613 4894
- Fax: +974 4411 0387
- Email: embacubacatar@gmail.com/embacuba@qatar.net.qa
- Site: http://www.misiones.minrex.gob.cu/qatar
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8:30 am – 2 pm (business hours); Sunday to Wednesday: 8:30 am – 1 pm (consular administrations)
Cyprus, The Embassy
- Area: Saba Saha 12 Street, Building. No. 3, District 63, Dafna, PO Box 24482, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 4390/4493 4391/4493 3086
- Fax: +974 4493 3087
- Email: kyprosdoha@cyprusembassy.org (government office); qasecretary@cyprusembassy.org.qa (secretary); admin@cyprusembassy.org.qa (organization office); consulardoha@cyprusembassy.org.qa (consular office)
Denmark, Consulate General
- Dubai (Acts as a non-inhabitant consulate for Denmark)
- Area: Villa 208, Al Bateel Street, Al Thanya Road, Umm Suqueim 2, PO Box 2988, Dubai – UAE
- Tel: +971 4 526 8700
- Fax: +971 4 348 0899
- Email: dxbgkl@um.dk
- Site: http://fae.um.dk
Dominican Republic, Embassy
- Area: Building No. 189, Street 250, Sharq Plaza, D-Dring Road, Zone 44, Doha – Qatar
- Telephone: +974 4411 3868
- Fax: +974 4411 3267
- Email: info@domrepemb-qatar.com
- Site: http://www.domrepemb-qatar.com
- Opening times: 9:30 am – 1:30pm
Ethiopia, The Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic
- Area: Um Guwaifa Street no. 804, Al Qutaifiya no. 66 PO Box 24856, Dafna, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4020 7000
- Fax: +974 4471 9588
- Email: ethio@ethiopiaembassydoha.org ; consular@ethiopiaembassydoha.org
- Site: https://www.ethiopiaembassydoha.org/
- Opening times: Sunday – Thursday: 8 am – 2 pm
Finland, The Embassy
- Abu Dhabi (Acts as a non-inhabitant consulate for Finland)
- Area: Al Masaood Tower,Sheikh Hamdan Street, twelfth Floor, Suite No. 1202, PO Box 3634, Abu Dhabi – UAE
- Tel: +971 2632 8927/2632 5063
- Email: consulate.abo@formin.fi (department) ; coim.abo@formin.fi (appointments; passport and residence grant matters) ; embassy.abo@formin.fi (embassy’s office)
- Site: http://www.finland.ae
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FinnishEmbassyAbuDhabi
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinlandEmbUAE
- Abu Dhabi Opening hours: Sunday – Thursday: 8 am – 15.45 (available time); Sunday – Thursday: 9 am – 10 am (get hours – by arrangement as it were)
France, The Embassy
- Area: Diplomatic Area, Doha Corniche Street (past the Sheraton Hotel), West Bay, PO Box 2669 Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4402 1777/4402 1755
- Fax: +974 4402 1701
- Emergency call: +974 6684 5083
- Email: contact@ambafrance-qa.org
- Site: https://qa.ambafrance.org/-English-
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/france.diplomacy
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/franceauqatar
- Opening times: Sunday – Wednesday: 8:30 am – 12 pm (just by arrangement)
Germany, The Embassy of the Federal Republic
- Area: 6, Al Jazira Al Arabiya Street, PO Box 3064, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4408 2300
- Fax: +974 4486 3129/4408 2333
- Email: info@doha.diplo.de
- Site: http://www.doha.diplo.de
- Opening times: Sundays – Thursdays: 11 am – 12 pm (consular administrations, visas: By appointment; visa: Please book your appointment by means of our specialist co-op VFS; types of documents (just for candidates that have applied at the Embassy directly; it would be ideal if you give collection slip).
Ghana, The Embassy of the Republic
- Area: Villa 7, Street no. 576, Zone 66, Dafna, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4436 4486/4437 3448/4498 6094
- Email: doha@mfa.gov.gh
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8:30 am – 3 pm (general); Sunday to Wednesday: 8:30 am – 12 pm (consular)
Georgia, The Embassy
- Area: Villa 19, Street no. 941, Zone 63, Onaiza, PO Box 24118, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4473 9499
- Fax: +974 4473 9495
- Emergency call: +995 32 294 5000
- Email: doha.emb@mfa.gov.ge
- Opening times: Sunday – Thursday: 9 am – 5 pm
India, The Embassy
- Area: Villa no. 86 and 90, Street no. 941, Eithra Street, Zone 63, Onaiza, PO Box 2788, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4425 5777
- Email: ambassadorindia@qatar.net.qa
- Site: www.indianembassyqatar.gov.in
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IndianEmbassyQatar/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/IndEmbDoha
- Opening times: Sunday – Thursday: 9 am – 5:30 pm
Indonesia, The Embassy of the Republic
- Area: Al Mashed Street, Al Salata Al Jadeeda, PO Box 22375, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4465 7945/4466 4981/4465 7436/4466 2759
- Fax: +974 4465 7610
- Emergency call: +974 3332 2875
- Email: admin@kbridoha.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kbri.doha.1
- Opening times: Sunday – Thursday: 8.30 am – 11.30 am
Italy, The Embassy
- Area: 23° Piano, Al Fardan Office Tower, 61 Funduq Street, West Bay, PO Box 24081, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 1828/4483 1802
- Fax: +974 4483 1909
- Email: doha.ambasciata@esteri.it (general email); doha.consolare@esteri.it (consular services); doha.visti2@esteri.it (visa services)
- Opening times: Sunday – Thursday: 08:30 am to 1:30pm (consular administrations, by arrangement just); 12pm – 1pm (visa administrations)
Japan, The Embassy
- Area: Building no. 50, Al-Shabab Street no. 910, Zone 66, New Diplomatic Zone, Onaiza, PO Box 2208, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4440 9000
- Fax: 974 4029 3655
- Email: eojqatar@dh.mofa.go.jp
- Site: http://www.qa.emb-japan.go.jp
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 7:15 am – 4 pm; consular area: 7:30 am – 3 pm; visa application: 7:30 am – 12 pm; visa assortment: 10 am – 3 pm
Jordan, The Embassy
- Area: Diplomatic Area, West Bay, P.O. Box 2366, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 2202/4483 2202
- Fax: +974 4483 2173
- Emergency call: +974 5518 9559
- Email: doha@fm.gov.jo
- Site: http://www.jordanembassydoha.gov.jo
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 3 pm
Kazakhstan, The Embassy of the Republic
- Areas: Saha 93, Zone 66, Dafna, PO Box 23513, Doha-Qatar
- Tel: +974 44128015
- Fax: +974 4412 8014
- Email: doha@mfa.kz
- Emergency call: +974 5005 7878/5039 9914
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KazEmbassyQatar/
- Opening times: Sunday – Thursday: 8 am – 3 pm; Friday: 10 am to 1 pm
Kenya, The Embassy
- Area: House no. 131, Street no. 840, Zone 66, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 1870/4483 1730
- Email: information@kenyaembassydoha.com
- Site: http://www.kenyaembassydoha.com/
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 3 pm (general); 9 am – 2 pm (consular segment)
Korea, The Embassy of the Republic
- Area: Al Shabab Street, New Diplomatic Area, Onaiza 66, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 2238/4483 2239
- Fax: +974 4483 3264
- Email: Koemb_qa@mofa.go.kr
- Opening times: 7:30 am – 12 pm, 1 pm – 3:30 pm
Kuwait, The Embassy
- Area: Diplomatic Area, West Bay, Dafna, PO Box: 1177, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 2111/4483 2127
- Fax: +974 4483 2042
- Emergency call: +974 3334 1200
- Email: doha.sec@mofa.gov.kw
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 7:30 am – 2 pm
Lebanon, The Embassy of the Republic
- Address: Building 55, Street no. 10, PO Box 2411, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 3330
- Fax: +974 4493 3331
- Email: lebanondoha@hotmail.com ; embleb@qatar.net.q
- Site: http://www.doha.mfa.gov.lb/qatar/english/home
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmbassyOfLebanonInQatar/
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday to 8 am – 1 pm
Macedonia (North), Embassy
- Area: Villa No.28, Al Ithar Street, Villa No.28, Dafna, Diplomatic Area, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 1374
- Fax: +974 44831572
- Email: doha@mfa.gov.mk
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 9 am – 3 pm
Malaysia, The Embassy
- Area: Zone 66, Lusail Street, West Bay, PO Box 23760, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 6463/4483 6493
- Fax: +974 4483 6453/
- Email: mwdoha.kln@1govuc.gov.my
- Site: http://www.kln.gov.my/web/qat_doha/home
- Opening times: Sunday – Thursday: 8:30 am – 3:30 pm; Consular: 8:30 am – 2.30 pm
Morocco, The Embassy of the Kingdom
- Area: Diplomatic Area, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 1884/44831885
- Fax: +974 4483 3416
- Email: m.embassydoha@maec.gov.ma
- Opening times: Sundays – Thursday: 9 am – 1 pm
Nepal, The Embassy
- Area: Street Number 681, Rawdat Umm Al Theyab Street, , Abu Hamour Area (Ain Khaled), Zone Number 56, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 44675680/4467 5681
- Email: eondoha@mofa.gov.np ; nembdoha@gmail.com
- Site: http://qa.nepalembassy.gov.np
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eondoha/
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 3 pm
Netherlands, The Embassy
- Area: eighteenth Floor Al Fardan Tower, Al Funduq Street, PO Box 23675, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4495 4700
- Fax: +974 4483 6340
- VFS Helpline: +974 4423 1186
- Email: doh@minbuza.nl
- Site: http://qatar.nlembassy.org
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NetherlandsEmbassyQatar/
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 4 pm (by arrangement just except if in any case showed)
Nigeria, The Embassy
- Area: Building 39, 941 Istiqbal Street, Zone 63, Dafna, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4448 5000/4493 6346
- Email: enquiries@nigeriadoha.com
- Site: www.nigerianembdoha.gov.ng
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 9 am – 3 pm
Norway, The Embassy
- Abu Dhabi (Acts as a non-resident international safe haven for Norway) (Non-resident)
- Area: Level 11, Tower No. 3, Tower No. 3, Etihad Towers, West Corniche, PO Box 47270, Abu Dhabi – UAE
- Tel: +971 24038400/24038401
- Email: emb.abudhabi@mfa.no
- Site: http://www.norway.ae
Panama, The Embassy
- Area: Villa no.4, Street 534, Zone 66, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 7740
- Fax: +974 4483 7477
- Email: embpanamaqatar@mire.gob.pa
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 3 pm
Pakistan, The Embassy
- Area: 30 Diplomatic St, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 2525/444832235
- Fax: +974 44832227
- Email: parepdoha@mofa.gov.pk ; parepqat@qatar.net.qa
- Site: http://www.mofa.gov.pk/qatar/
- Opening times: 8 am (manual token issuance for MRP/NICOP); 8 am – 12 pm (MRP/manual visa/NICOP applications/reports submission); 1 pm – 3 pm (visa/NICOP/records collection/delivery)
Paraguay, The Embassy
- Area: Building 14, Street 505, Al Mebahej Street, Zone 66, West Bay Area, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 5218/5530 2232
- Fax: +974 4414 8247
- Emergency call: +974 5530 9495
- Email: embapar.qatar@mre.gov.py
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 9 am to 1 pm
Peru, The Embassy
- Area: Building 42, Street 835, Lejbailat, Zone 64, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4491 5943/5944
- Emergency call: +974 55942453
- Fax: +974 4491 5940
- Email: info@peruembassy.com.qa
- Site: http://www.consulado.pe/es/doha/Paginas/Inicio.aspx
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/embajadaperuqata
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 pm – 3 pm
Philippines, The Embassy of The Republic
- Area: Street no. 860, Zone 68, Jelaiah Area, PO Box 24900, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 1585/4483 1595
- Email: dohape@dfa.gov.ph
- Site: http://dohape.dfa.gov.ph
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 5 pm
Russia, The Embassy
- Area: Villa no. 8, Street no. 804, Area no. 66, New Doha (Qataifiya), Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 6231/4483 6821
- Fax: +974 4483 6243
- Email: rusemb@qatar.net.qa
- Site: http://www.qatar.mid.ru
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 2 pm
Oman, The Embassy of the Sultanate
- Area: Building no. 18, Area no. 66, New Diplomatic territory, Dafna, P O Box 1525, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 1514/4493 1910
- Fax: +974 44932278
- Email: office.omanembassy@gmail.com
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 7:30 am – 2 pm
Serbia, The Embassy of the Republic
- Area: Umm Al Seneem no. 5, Zone 66, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4417 5181
- Fax: +974 4443 9656
- Email: embsrbqat@gmail.com
- Opening times: 8:30 pm – 4:30 pm (general); 10 am – 12 pm (consular area)
Senegal, the Embassy
- Area: Building no. 1, Saha 252, Ibn Al Moutas Street, Onaiza Zone 65, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 44837644
- Fax: +974 4483 8872
- Email: amsendo@qatarnet.ga
- Opening times: 9 am – 4 pm
Singapore, The Embassy
- Area: New West Bay Area (Off Lusail Street), PO Box 24497, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4412 8082/4412 8083
- Emergency call: +974 5548 8608
- Fax: +974 4412 8180/4412 8183
- Email: singemb_doh@sgmfa.gov.sg
- Site: https://www1.mfa.gov.sg/doha
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
South Africa, The Embassy of
- Area: West Bay, PO Box 24744, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 55832762/4485 7111/4483 5961
- Email: doha.admin@dirco.gov.za
South Korea, The Embassy of the Republic
- Area: Diplomatic Area, West Bay, Post Box No. 3727, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 2238/4483 2239/4483 3264
- Email: koemb_qa@mofa.go.kr
- Site: http://qat.mofa.go.kr
Spain, The Embassy
- Area: Lusail Street (Al Isteqlal Avenue), West Bay, PO Box 24616, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 55862411/4483 5886/4483 5901/4483 588
- Email: emb.doha@maec.es
Sri Lanka, The Embassy
- Area: Building no. 21, Street no. 860, Area no. 4, Zone 47, Al Raheeb Road, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4467 7627/4467 7647/4467 4788/7021 4259
- Email: slemb.doha@mfa.gov.lk
Sudan, The Embassy
- Area: Diplomatic Area, PO Box 2999 Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 1474/4483 1508/4483 1473/4483 3031
- Email: suemdoha2014@gmail.com
Sweden, The Embassy
- Area: Office no. 1301 Palm Tower B, Monoprix Building, West Bay,, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4444 9500/4444 3350
- Email: ambassaden.doha@gov.se
- Site: www.swedenabroad.com/doha
Switzerland, The Embassy
- Area: Villa 60, Street no. 807, Area 66, Wadi al Humra, Dafna, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4020 3400/40203402
- Email: doh.vertretung@eda.admin.ch
- Site: http://www.eda.admin.ch/doha
Tajikistan, The Embassy
- Area: Building no. 84, Street no. 810, Zone 64, Ibn Zaidoun, PO Box 22395, Dafna, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 44123906/44984694/33505857/33057319
- Email: tajemqatar@mfa.tj
Tanzania, Embassy of the United Republic
- Area: Building no. 40, Saad Bin Zurara Street No. 965, Al Messila, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4036 0860/4036 0862
- Fax: +974 40294067
- Email: doha@nje.go.tz
- Site: https://qa.tzembassy.go.tz
Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 3 pm; consular administrations: Sunday to Thursday: 9 am – 1:30 pm, visa entries: Sunday to Thursday: 9 am – 1:30 pm; Visa pickup: 1 pm – 3pm
Thailand, The Embassy
- Area: Villa 122, Dafna, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 4426/4493 4432/4493 0514
- Email: thaidoh@qatar.net.qa
- Site: http://www.thaiembqatar.com
Tunisia, the Embassy
- Area: United Nations St, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4016 2222/4412 8232/4412 8188
- Fax: +974 4412 8938
- Email: at.doha@qatar.net.qa ; at.doha@diplomatie.gov.tn
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 1:30 pm (consular); 8 am – 3 pm (international safe haven)
Turkey, The Embassy
- Area: Street no. 310, Zone 66, Diplomatic Area, Al Qutaifiya, Al Rabwa, Dafna, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4495 1300/4495 1314/44951320
- Email: embassy.doha@mfa.gov.tr
- Site: http://www.doha.emb.mfa.gov.tr
United states of America ( USA ), The Embassy
- Area: 22 February Street, Al Luqta, PO Box 2399, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4496 6000
- Fax: +974 4488 4298/4400 4101/448 84298
- Email: PASDoha@state.gov
- Site: http://qa.usembassy.gov
Joined Kingdom, The Embassy
- Area: Zone 66, Al Shabab Street, West Bay, Dafna, Onaiza, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4496 2000
- Fax: +974 4496 2086
- Email: embassy.doha@fco.gov.uk ; consular.dohaa@fco.gov.uk
- Site: https://www.gov.uk/world/organisations/british-embassy-doha
Uruguay, The Embassy
- Area: Villa 1, Area 64, University Road, Al Jabeilath, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4411 3833
- Fax: +974 4411 3540
- Email: uruqatar@uruguayembassy.org.qa ; uruqatar@mrree.gub.uy
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
Venezuela, the Embassy
- Area: Villa No. 36, Samra canister Jandab Street, Area 67, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 2730/4493 2734
- Fax: +974 4493 2729
- Email: embve.qadoh@mppre.gob.ve
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8.30 pm – 3 pm
Vietnam, The Embassy
- Area: Villa 8, Near Saha 109, West Bay Lagoon, PO Box 23595, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4412 8480/4412 8370
- Email: vietnamembassy.doha@gmail.com
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