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Must Know All about phase 2 of gradual lifting of COVID19 restrictions in Qatar

Qatar Lifting

The Supreme Committee reported on Monday, June 29, 2020, that stage 2 of the reviving arrangement will continue as anticipated July 1..


The Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs reported yesterday the rundown of the 200+ mosques added to the mosques opened during Phase 1. These mosques will revive beginning day break of Wednesday, July 1, 2020. Locate the new rundown of mosques here.

The Ministry additionally said that similar precautionary measures and techniques will be watched. These are:

  • Try not to come ahead of schedule for the supplications, mosques will open with Athan (Azan) as it were
  • Do bathing at home before setting off to the mosque. The mosque’s restrooms and bathing spot will be shut.
  • Keep a sheltered separation of two meters from one another. Try not to swarm inside the mosque.
  • Abstain from warmly greeting others even while wearing gloves.
  • Spread your mouth and nose while wheezing and hacking.
  • Show your EHTERAZ application when you enter the mosque.
  • Help out the advisory group or individuals responsible for dealing with the mosque.
  • Put your petition tangle in the spots with signs as it were.
  • Bring your own supplication tangle to the mosque. Try not to impart it to other people and don’t leave it in the mosque.
  • Wear a face cover even inside the mosque.
  • Bring the sacred Quran from home and don’t impart it to anybody. Or then again read the sacred Quran from the telephone or complete perusing at home.
  • According to prudent steps, individuals who are experiencing constant malady are to ask and peruse the Quran at home.

Parks and Corniche

All parks just as the Corniche will be revived for individuals everything being equal while proceeding to rehearse social separating. Play regions will stay shut. The accompanying safeguards stay set up:

  • EHTERAZ Green wellbeing status upon section
  • Temperature check upon section
  • Follow wellbeing precautionary measures and help out security
  • Keep a safe physical separation of 3 meters
  • Discard refuse appropriately
  • Keeping up close to home and open cleanliness measures inside and outside the parks
  • Take care of your children to guarantee their wellbeing

Sea shores

All sea shores will be revived for individuals everything being equal.

See the rundown of open and inn sea shores that will revive here.


Cafes will be permitted to revive with constrained limit. As per the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, cafés are permitted to continue their tasks in the accompanying vacationer regions:

  • Souq Waqif
  • Souq Al Wakrah
  • The Pearl-Qatar
  • Katara Cultural Village
  • Cafes and booths in sports clubs and vacationer territories
  • Qatar Museums
  • Al Hazm Mall
  • Msheireb

In accordance with this choice, cafés in visitor zones must cling to the preparatory and preventive estimates sketched out by the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor, and Social Affairs, and agree to the rules set by the Ministry. This incorporates the accompanying (yet not constrained to):

  • Pre-booking required before going to the café
  • Precluding the serving of shisha
  • Limit of five individuals to sit at each table
  • Diminishing the eatery’s ability to half of the most extreme number of burger joints

Cafes, cafeterias, and bistros (coffeehouses) in shopping centers, strip malls, and other non-assigned visitor regions, are permitted to convey to personal residences or hand over requests to clients outside their movement site.

Shopping centers, souqs, and discount markets

As indicated by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, all retail outlets will be permitted to continue their exercises in shopping centers and business focuses.

Gaming focuses, entertainment meccas, skateboard fields, petition rooms, and films will stay shut. Eateries working inside shopping centers and business focuses are permitted to convey to street numbers or hand over requests at the café as it were. This choice additionally disallows any imaginative, social, or recreational exercises at shopping centers and business focuses.

Every single business outlet will be permitted to continue their tasks in the accompanying road markets:

  • The Gold Souq
  • Souq Al Ali
  • Al Gharafa Market
  • Thursday and Friday Market
  • Souq Waqif, Doha
  • Souq Al Wakrah
  • Al Sailiya Central Market.
  • A portion of the careful steps incorporate the accompanying:
  • Working at under half of the shopping center’s standard limit.
  • Lessening the quantity of parking spots accessible to guests to half.
  • Excepting smoking at shopping center passageways, and expelling all compartments assigned for cigarette squander.
  • Forestalling the social affair of guests and limousine or cab drivers at the passageway to shopping centers.

Shopping center hours

Unimportant shops will stay shut during ends of the week. Just basic shops will open for Friday and Saturday (Supermarket, drug store)

Tawar Mall – Sunday to Thursday – From 8 AM to 8 PM; Friday to Saturday – Closed; The hypermarket and drug stores will stay open on ends of the week. Children of any age are allowed.

Mirqab Mall – Sunday to Thursday – From 8 AM to 8 PM; Friday to Saturday – Closed; Supermarket and drug stores: Sunday – Saturday 8 AM to 11 PM. Offspring of any age are presently allowed to enter. Check the full rundown of shops.

Villaggio Mall – Sunday to Thursday – From 9 AM to 8 PM; Friday to Saturday – Closed; Hypermarkets and drug stores existing hours will continue as before; Kids of any age are presently permitted; Restaurants, F&B, and food stands (takeaway and conveyance): Saturday to Thursday 9 AM to 12 AM; Friday: 9 AM to 11 AM, 12:30 PM to 12 AM

Milestone Mall – Sunday to Thursday – From 9 AM to 8 PM; Friday to Saturday – Closed; Kids of any age are presently permitted.

Doha Festival City – Sunday to Thursday – From 9 AM to 8 PM; Friday to Saturday – Closed; Children under 12 years of age joined by a grown-up don’t have to introduce their EHTERAZ Green Code preceding passage.

Ezdan Mall – Sunday to Thursday – From 9 AM to 8 PM; Friday to Saturday – Closed; Children are presently permitted to enter the shopping center with wellbeing precautionary measures. Carrefour – 8:30 AM to 12 AM

Shopping center of Qatar – Sunday to Thursday – From 8 AM to 8 PM; Friday to Saturday – Closed; Children under 12 years old are presently permitted.

If it’s not too much trouble observe that the necessary screening process and prudent steps are still set up when entering the shopping centers. It is likewise still profoundly supported that youngsters remain at home however much as could reasonably be expected and go out just for essential issues.

Written by Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna is the accomplished eCommerce and retail branding expert, renowned for creating captivating content, building brand reputation, and fostering brand growth. With expertise in targeted marketing campaigns and exceptional customer experiences, Sri Krishna cultivates brand loyalty and recognition. Through innovative branding strategies, Sri Krishna empowers businesses to succeed in the ever-evolving eCommerce and retail landscape.

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