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Can unmarried couples travel to Doha?

Can unmarried couples travel to Doha

For the facts one of the basic rules of Qatar prohibits PDA, and maybe there are some other restrictions too imposed on unmarried couples. However, an unmarried couple can travel to Doha, but with some restrictions like in hotels, they need to get separate rooms. Islamic laws are against living together without marriage. 

We are not advising you to break the laws of Qatar. In recent years, the rules have been loosened a little. Especially at luxury 4- and 5-star hotels, nowadays you won’t be asked about your marital status or they will simply take your word for it without asking for more proof. Let’s read more about Doha’s rules for couples. Scroll down to learn more!

How does that law affect us if we stay together anyway?

Premarital sex is strictly forbidden in the Muslim religion. So, they require that no unmarried man and woman share a room, or at least make it less likely that this will happen. In their eyes, it’s a sin. It doesn’t matter whether you live permanently in Qatar or just visit. You should be respectful and follow the rules when going to another country, even if you think the rule is silly and even if it costs you a bit more. You shouldn’t insult the citizens of the country you’re visiting.

If you are caught sharing a room with a non-married or non-related member of the opposite sex, the punishment may include a fine and even jail time.

How do other unmarried couples stay together?

We do not favor this, but there are ways around it. Choosing luxury hotels that don’t ask is a good start. If you want to avoid being surprised at the hotel when you arrive, call the hotel directly before booking. If you’re not Muslim or Arab, and don’t flaunt your non-married status, but you’re together, you’ll be fine.

You can also ensure that you wear a ring on your ring finger to imply that you’re married, depending on how far you want to go. If you want to make it seem like you’re married, you and your spouse should do this.

You should know that breaking the law in any country will have repercussions, so be prepared to take responsibility for your actions.

As an unmarried couple traveling to Qatar, what should I expect?

No matter the laws or technicalities, as long as you are discrete and stick to the same story, you should be fine. Western travelers have made Doha a top travel destination, so some of the more ancient rules are overlooked.

To avoid extra unwanted attention when you’re out and about, keep any displays of affection (even hand holding) behind closed doors or wait until you get home. In a foreign country, no amount of PDA is worth jail time.

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Written by Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna is the accomplished eCommerce and retail branding expert, renowned for creating captivating content, building brand reputation, and fostering brand growth. With expertise in targeted marketing campaigns and exceptional customer experiences, Sri Krishna cultivates brand loyalty and recognition. Through innovative branding strategies, Sri Krishna empowers businesses to succeed in the ever-evolving eCommerce and retail landscape.

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