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How to Change Jobs Without NOC in Qatar?

How to Change Jobs Without NOC in Qatar

Are you stuck in a job that doesn’t interest you? Looking for a new career path, but don’t know where to begin? You’ve come to the right place.

The State of Qatar announced changes to its labor laws in 2020, which included the removal of the requirement for a no-objection certificate (NOC) to change jobs. This means that all workers in Qatar, whether on fixed-term or open-ended contracts, can change jobs during their contract period without having to obtain an NOC from their employer. However, there are certain conditions and procedures that need to be followed in order to change jobs legally, and workers are advised to consult with their employer and relevant authorities before making any changes.

In this article, we are going to let you know the whole procedure of how to change jobs without NOC. Read the article till the end so that you will not miss anything important.

Qatar’s Recent Labour Reforms

The new sponsorship law implemented in December 2016 abolished the automatic two-year ban that was previously imposed on workers who wanted to change employers before the end of their contract period. This change was a significant improvement to the previous Kafala system that was in place and provided workers with greater freedom of movement and employment opportunities in Qatar. The new law requires that employers must obtain exit permits for their workers only if they are leaving the country for good, and not for temporary trips.

The removal of the No Objection Certificate (NOC) requirement for changing jobs was announced in January 2020. The new law was published in the official gazette on October 28, 2020, and came into effect on March 13, 2021. The law allows expatriate workers in Qatar to change employers without requiring the current employer’s permission (NOC) under certain conditions.

The Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs (MADLSA) in Qatar has taken several initiatives to improve the working conditions and well-being of workers in recent years. Some of these initiatives include the abolishment of the Kafala sponsorship system, implementation of the Wage Protection System, and introduction of new labour laws and policies aimed at improving workers’ rights and mobility. The Ministry of Labour (MoL) is now carrying forward these reforms and continuing to work towards better working conditions and greater labour mobility in Qatar.

Qatar’s new process for changing jobs

The Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor, and Social Affairs (ADLSA) has laid out the steps to change employers without having to obtain an official letter of consent (NOC). Here are those steps.

Step 1: Employer is notified via the ADLSA system

If you wish to change employers, you must inform your current employer via ADLSA that you intend to terminate your employment contract.

The worker must work until the end of his/her notice period.

Step 2: Attach documents required by the employer

changing jobs

You must attach the following documents when expressing your intention to change jobs via the ADLSA:

  • ADLSA change-of-employer form with the signature and stamp of the new employer.
  • Authenticated contract copy of former employer, or employment offer if there is no contract copy.
  • New employer’s job offer in Arabic.
  • A letter of resignation with the former employer’s signature and stamp.
  • In the case of specialized professions, a certified copy of the education certificate and a license of practice from the country’s respective authorities should be attached.

After printing, complete all the required information on the “Change of Employer” form and sign it. The new employer must also sign and stamp the form. However, if the worker is changing jobs to work in a private household, the new employer’s signature alone is sufficient. Finally, take a picture or scan the completed form for record-keeping purposes.

To complete the process of changing the employer in Qatar, you need to log in to the Ministry’s electronic portal using the worker’s Qatar ID (QID) number and mobile number, and then upload a copy of the signed “Change of Employer” form. The mobile phone number used for login must be linked to the QID. Once you have entered the system, you can upload the completed and signed form for further processing.

For certain specialized professions, additional documents such as certified copies of educational qualifications and licenses of practice may be required. Additionally, workers over the age of 60 will need to provide a health insurance certificate. These requirements may vary depending on the specific profession and industry. It’s important to consult with the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour and Social Affairs (MADLSA) or a qualified legal professional for more information.

Step 3: ADLSA approval

In response to the application, the Ministry will send a text message to the employer informing them that the employee has applied for a job transfer and that the application is undergoing assessment. As a result, the worker should remain with the company until the end of the assessment.

The Ministry will inform the worker and current employer that the notice period has begun when it processes the application. Providing incomplete information may result in further inquiries.

Employer Change (EC) number is generated

Once the application for a change of employer has been submitted through the Ministry’s electronic portal, an Employer Change (EC) number will be displayed on the screen. This number serves as confirmation that the application has been successfully submitted and is being processed. It is important to keep this number for future reference and to track the status of the application.

Note: Make sure to keep the EC number safe as it will be needed to check the status of the application in the future. You can either write it down, take a screenshot, or take a photo of it.

Ministry will process the application

The Ministry of Labour will review the application and may reject it if the form is not completed correctly or if the new employer does not meet the eligibility requirements. If the application is incomplete, the Ministry may request further information before processing it. It is important to ensure that the form is filled out accurately and completely to avoid any delays or rejections.

After submitting the application, the worker can check the status of their application on the Ministry of Labour’s (MoL) website using their Qatar ID (QID) and Employer Change (EC) number. The status will be updated as the application is being processed, and the worker can use this feature to track the progress of their application.

Notification Process ( SMS ) for Workers and Employers from the Ministry

After the application is processed, the Ministry will send text messages (SMS) to the worker, the old employer, and the new employer.

The SMS will indicate the notice period that needs to be fulfilled by the worker.

  • If the worker has worked with the employer for two years or less, the notice period is one month.
  • If the worker has been employed with the same employer for two years or less, the notice period required is one month. However, if the worker has been employed with the same employer for more than two years, the notice period required is extended to two months.

Throughout the notice period, the worker is obligated to continue working for the current employer unless a mutual agreement is reached to reduce it.

Step 4: Electronic contract initiated by the new employer

After the completion of the notice period, the new employer will use MoL’s Digital Authentication System to prepare a multilingual employment contract.

The new employer must complete this process within three months of the end of the worker’s notice period. After filling out all the necessary information, the new employer should print out the employment contract for both the worker and the employer to sign. If the worker agrees to the provisions outlined in the contract, they can sign it.

  • Once the employment contract is signed by both the worker and the new employer, the new employer will need to upload it to the Ministry’s website for authentication. This is done through the MoL’s Digital Authentication System, which ensures that the contract complies with Qatari labor laws and regulations.
  • Once the employment contract is finalized and authenticated by the Ministry, the new employer must provide a copy of the contract to the employee. It is important that the employee carefully reviews and understands the terms and conditions outlined in the contract before signing it. If the employee has any questions or concerns regarding the contract, they should raise them with the new employer before signing.

Step 5: Signing a new employment contract

Printed copies of the employment contract should be discussed and signed by the new employer and the employee.

Step 6: Upload the signed contract of the new employer

A newly signed employment contract should be uploaded to the ADLSA system along with an authentication fee of QR 60.

Step 7: Request a new QID

It is worth noting that obtaining a new Qatar ID (QID) is not always required when changing employers. If the worker’s QID is still valid, then it can be used to work for the new employer. However, if the worker’s QID has expired or will expire soon, the new employer must apply for a new QID on behalf of the worker.

The request for a new QID can be made through Metrash2 or the Ministry of Interior website. The new employer must provide the worker’s passport and other required documents. Once approved, the worker can collect the new QID from the designated collection points.

Through the Digital Authentication System, both employees and employers can download a copy of the employment contract at any time.

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Written by Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna is the accomplished eCommerce and retail branding expert, renowned for creating captivating content, building brand reputation, and fostering brand growth. With expertise in targeted marketing campaigns and exceptional customer experiences, Sri Krishna cultivates brand loyalty and recognition. Through innovative branding strategies, Sri Krishna empowers businesses to succeed in the ever-evolving eCommerce and retail landscape.

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