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Leaving Qatar forever? Before you leave, here’s what you need to do!

Leaving Qatar forever Before you leave, here's what you need to do!

Everyone comes and goes! You may go as a result of choice or necessity. However you decide to leave Qatar, you should keep in mind that relocation is not an easy task. A lot of things need to be taken care of, documentation to fill out, accounts to close, items to sell, what to move and what not to move, and all of it takes time.

Therefore, we have created a checklist for you so that when the time comes to bid adieu to Qatar, you’ll know every step to take, to ensure a smooth departure. Scroll down to check the complete list!

You have 90 days to leave Qatar if your RP is canceled or expires

You can cancel your RP online, or through Metrash2. With this service, you can cancel valid residence permits for people sponsored by companies or individuals. The service is available to Qataris, residents, companies, and organizations with Qatari Smart ID Cards.

Online Instructions

  • You can log in with your smartcard to the e-services portal of the Ministry of Interior or ontoMetrash2.
  • Then click on “Cancel Residency”.
  • Enter the required RP numbers.
  • Make a payment online.
  • Print a receipt.

Exit permits are no longer required

The Labor Law of Qatar allows ex-pats to leave the country without a prior permit, whereas the employer may require up to 5% of his workforce to obtain permission. For example, someone in finance may need an exit permit.

Make sure your employer pays you your gratuity

When ex-pats come to the end of their employment in Qatar, they will be paid a gratuity, which is given by the employer as a thank-you gift for their service. Be sure to ask your employer for your end-of-service pay as they will calculate it based on the amount of your basic pay and the amount of time you worked there!

It’s a great idea to make a list

Make a list and post it on your fridge so you’ll be reminded to cross things off as you go and to add new items as you remember.

Organize all documentation into a folder

Keeping all important documents in a folder ensures that you know where everything is if and when you need it. Among these would be:

  • Birth certificates
  • Marriage certificates
  • Passport size photographs
  • Proof of citizenship, naturalization, passport, green card, etc.
  • Records of vaccinations, medical treatment, and dental care
  • Insurance policies
  • Academic certificates and diplomas
  • Letters of employment
  • Proof of residency (utility bills, statements, etc.)
  • Any wills you may have

Pay off all outstanding loans

Qatar will not allow you to leave until all debts or loans incurred during your stay are repaid. Any outstanding loans (credit cards, car loans, personal loans, etc.) must be repaid before you leave, and your end of service (gratuity) will not be paid until the loans are settled. Your employer will receive a signed, stamped letter once you clear these off so he can give you your end of service, and complete the process.

Close all bank accounts

After you have cleared all debts or loans you may have incurred, you need to close any Qatari bank accounts. Make sure that your employer/sponsor receives a bank clearance letter, and that your forwarding address is available for future correspondence.

Close bank accounts 30 to 45 days before your last salary payment, or your bank may freeze your accounts to ensure you have enough money to pay off any unpaid loans. Close all credit card accounts, at least a month before your travel date.

Return your medical insurance cards

Medical insurance cards must be returned to your employer or insurance company before you leave Qatar.

Be sure to pay off all electricity, phone, and internet bills

Please pay off any outstanding electricity, phone, or internet bills before you leave your accommodation, or you may be subject to a penalty. You will receive a Clearance Certificate once disconnection services have been arranged and any deposit you paid will be refunded.

Get rid of unwanted items

It’s up to you whether or not you take all your belongings with you when you leave Qatar. So get rid of unwanted items to make some money.

Shipping or selling your car

The next step is to decide whether you want to sell your car before you leave or take it with you. Selling your car? You can return it to the dealer that sold you the car.

On the other hand, if you intend to ship your car to your new destination, that’s an entirely different story. Follow the following steps:

  • Make sure all your documents are ready
  • Find the right company to ship your vehicle

Make sure you hire movers who fit your requirements and needs

In Qatar, there are several international moving companies. The best way to start is to contact a few different moving companies here in Qatar and ask for quotes, so you can compare their services.

Apart from the above things, there are a few small things which you must do before leaving the country. They are the following:

  • Let your landlord know you are leaving.
  • If your children are in school, you’ll need their school leaving certificate.
  • Make sure you have plenty of prescription medications on hand.
  • Move your pet out of Qatar.
  • Before you leave, make sure you have a driving license for abroad. 

And now you are ready to go!

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Written by Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna is the accomplished eCommerce and retail branding expert, renowned for creating captivating content, building brand reputation, and fostering brand growth. With expertise in targeted marketing campaigns and exceptional customer experiences, Sri Krishna cultivates brand loyalty and recognition. Through innovative branding strategies, Sri Krishna empowers businesses to succeed in the ever-evolving eCommerce and retail landscape.

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