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UAE Ramadan Prayer Time Table 2024

Ramadan Time Table

Ramadan is a sacred month in the Islamic lunar calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide. During this time, Muslims fast from dawn until sunset, engaging in prayer, reflection, and acts of charity. The prayer timetable for Ramadan 2024, spanning the entire month, is as follows:

1Monday11/03/20245:05 AM5:15 AM6:29 AM12:32 PM3:54 PM6:29 PM7:43 PM
2Tuesday12/03/20245:04 AM5:14 AM6:28 AM12:31 PM3:54 PM6:30 PM7:43 PM
3Wednesday13/03/20245:03 AM5:13 AM6:27 AM12:31 PM3:54 PM6:30 PM7:44 PM
4Thursday14/03/20245:02 AM5:12 AM6:26 AM12:31 PM3:54 PM6:31 PM7:44 PM
5Friday15/03/20245:01 AM5:11 AM6:25 AM12:31 PM3:54 PM6:31 PM7:45 PM
6Saturday16/03/20245:00 AM5:10 AM6:24 AM12:30 PM3:54 PM6:31 PM7:45 PM
7Sunday17/03/20244:59 AM5:09 AM6:23 AM12:30 PM3:54 PM6:32 PM7:46 PM
8Monday18/03/20244:58 AM5:08 AM6:21 AM12:30 PM3:54 PM6:32 PM7:46 PM
9Tuesday19/03/20244:57 AM5:07 AM6:20 AM12:29 PM3:54 PM6:33 PM7:47 PM
10Wednesday20/03/20244:56 AM5:06 AM6:19 AM12:29 PM3:54 PM6:33 PM7:47 PM
11Thursday21/03/20244:55 AM5:05 AM6:18 AM12:29 PM3:53 PM6:34 PM7:48 PM
12Friday22/03/20244:54 AM5:04 AM6:17 AM12:29 PM3:53 PM6:34 PM7:48 PM
13Saturday23/03/20244:52 AM5:02 AM6:16 AM12:28 PM3:53 PM6:35 PM7:49 PM
14Sunday24/03/20244:51 AM5:01 AM6:15 AM12:28 PM3:53 PM6:35 PM7:49 PM
15Monday25/03/20244:50 AM5:00 AM6:14 AM12:28 PM3:53 PM6:35 PM7:50 PM
16Tuesday26/03/20244:49 AM4:59 AM6:13 AM12:27 PM3:53 PM6:36 PM7:50 PM
17Wednesday27/03/20244:48 AM4:58 AM6:12 AM12:27 PM3:53 PM6:36 PM7:51 PM
18Thursday28/03/20244:47 AM4:57 AM6:11 AM12:27 PM3:53 PM6:37 PM7:51 PM
19Friday29/03/20244:46 AM4:56 AM6:10 AM12:26 PM3:53 PM6:37 PM7:52 PM

| 20 | Saturday | 30/03/2024 | 4:45 AM | 4:55 AM | 6:09 AM | 12:26 PM | 3:52 PM | 6:38 PM | 7:52 PM |

21Sunday31/04/20244:44 AM4:54 AM6:08 AM12:26 PM3:52 PM6:38 PM7:53 PM
22Monday01/04/20244:42 AM4:52 AM6:07 AM12:26 PM3:52 PM6:39 PM7:53 PM
23Tuesday02/04/20244:41 AM4:51 AM6:06 AM12:25 PM3:52 PM6:39 PM7:54 PM
24Wednesday03/04/20244:40 AM4:50 AM6:05 AM12:25 PM3:52 PM6:39 PM7:54 PM
25Thursday04/04/20244:39 AM4:49 AM6:04 AM12:25 PM3:52 PM6:40 PM7:55 PM
26Friday05/04/20244:38 AM4:48 AM6:03 AM12:24 PM3:51 PM6:40 PM7:55 PM
27Saturday06/04/20244:37 AM4:47 AM6:02 AM12:24 PM3:51 PM6:41 PM7:56 PM
28Sunday07/04/20244:36 AM4:46 AM6:01 AM12:24 PM3:51 PM6:41 PM7:57 PM
29Monday08/04/20244:35 AM4:45 AM6:00 AM12:24 PM3:51 PM6:42 PM7:57 PM
30Tuesday09/04/20244:33 AM4:43 AM5:59 AM12:23 PM3:51 PM6:42 PM7:58 PM

What is Ramadan?

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, observed by Muslims worldwide. It commemorates the month in which the Holy Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) by the archangel Gabriel in the seventh century. Fasting during Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is obligatory for all adult Muslims.

Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan?

Fasting during Ramadan is a religious obligation for Muslims, serving as a means of spiritual purification and self-discipline. It is believed to strengthen one’s relationship with God and increase empathy for the less fortunate.

What are Iftar and Suhoor?

Iftar is the evening meal with which Muslims break their fast during Ramadan, typically beginning with the consumption of dates. Suhoor is the pre-dawn meal eaten before the fast begins at sunrise. Both meals hold significant cultural and religious importance, often shared with family and friends.

Can non-Muslims get involved in Ramadan?

Non-Muslims are welcome to participate in Ramadan by attending Iftar gatherings, offering greetings, and engaging in acts of charity. It’s an opportunity for people of different faiths to come together in solidarity and understanding.

Observance in non-Muslim countries

Muslims residing in non-Muslim countries may face unique challenges during Ramadan, such as longer daylight hours or cultural differences. However, communities often come together to support one another in observing the fast and celebrating the holy month.

Are there any exemptions from fasting?

Certain individuals are exempt from fasting during Ramadan, including the elderly, pregnant or nursing women, travelers, and those with medical conditions. However, they may choose to compensate for missed fasts at a later time or provide charity instead.

Ramadan for diabetics

For individuals with diabetes, fasting during Ramadan requires careful monitoring and medical supervision. It’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure fasting is safe and manageable while managing the condition.

Ramadan for people with medical conditions

Those with medical conditions that prevent them from fasting are encouraged to engage in alternative forms of worship and charity during Ramadan. Islam emphasizes compassion and flexibility in accommodating individual circumstances.

Ramadan for new converts

New converts to Islam may find Ramadan challenging but are supported by community resources

and guidance. It’s an opportunity for spiritual growth and integration into the Muslim community.

What is not allowed during Ramadan?

During Ramadan, Muslims refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, and engaging in sexual relations from dawn until sunset. It’s also a time for spiritual reflection, increased prayer, and charitable acts.

Are people permitted to listen to music during Ramadan?

While opinions vary among scholars, many Muslims choose to abstain from listening to music during Ramadan as a form of spiritual discipline and focus.

Ramadan for tourists in Dubai

Tourists visiting Dubai during Ramadan are encouraged to respect local customs and traditions, including refraining from eating or drinking in public during fasting hours. However, they can still enjoy the vibrant cultural experiences and hospitality the city has to offer.

Is there a dress code during Ramadan?

It’s recommended for both men and women to dress modestly during Ramadan out of respect for the religious observance. Revealing or tight-fitting clothing may be considered inappropriate during this time.

Can you shower during Ramadan?

Personal hygiene, including showering, is permitted during Ramadan and encouraged as part of daily cleanliness practices.

What is the etiquette regarding eating and drinking if you are not fasting?

Non-fasters should avoid eating or drinking in public spaces during fasting hours out of respect for those observing Ramadan. It’s considerate to use designated areas or private settings for consuming food or beverages.

Can you drink water during fasting in Ramadan?

Muslims refrain from consuming any food or drink, including water, from dawn until sunset while fasting during Ramadan.

Are you allowed to brush your teeth when fasting?

While brushing teeth is generally allowed during fasting, care should be taken not to swallow toothpaste or water. Using a miswak, a traditional teeth-cleaning twig, is also recommended.

Is fasting in Ramadan healthy or harmful?

When done correctly and under proper medical supervision, fasting during Ramadan can have health benefits, including improved metabolic function and mental well-being. However, individuals with certain medical conditions should exercise caution and consult healthcare professionals.

What is the significance of charity during Ramadan?

Charity, known as Zakat, holds special significance during Ramadan, with Muslims encouraged to give generously to those in need. It’s a time for increased compassion and support for the less fortunate.

What is Haj?

Hajj is the annual pilgrimage to Makkah, Saudi Arabia, performed by Muslims who are physically and financially able. It’s one of the Five Pillars of Islam and a deeply spiritual journey for believers.

What is Eid and why are there two Eid festivals?

Eid Al Fitr and Eid Al Adha are two major festivals celebrated by Muslims worldwide. Eid Al Fitr marks the end of Ramadan, while Eid Al Adha commemorates the completion of the Hajj pilgrimage. Both festivals are occasions of joy, prayer, and community gatherings.

What is Hag Al Leylah?

Hag Al Leylah is a traditional Emirati children’s holiday celebrated on the 14th night of Shaaban, the eighth month of the Islamic calendar. Children go door-to-door collecting sweets and treats while dressed in traditional attire, marking the arrival of Ramadan.

What does Ramadan Kareem mean?

Ramadan Kareem translates to “wishing you a generous Ramadan,” expressing goodwill and blessings for the holy month.

What does Ramadan Mubarak mean?

Ramadan Mubarak translates as “happy Ramadan” or “blessed Ramadan,” conveying warm wishes and blessings for the month.

What is wudhu?

Wudhu is the ritual ablution performed by Muslims before prayers, involving specific steps of washing the hands, mouth, nose, face, arms, head, and feet. It symbolizes purification and readiness for spiritual worship.

What nullifies or breaks wudhu?

Certain actions, such as urination, defecation, passing gas, bleeding, or falling asleep, invalidate the state of wudhu, requiring it to be performed again before prayer.

Interesting facts about Islam

  1. Islam is the world’s second-largest religion, with an estimated 1.8 billion followers globally, following Christianity.
  2. Fasting has deep roots in various faiths, including Christianity (Lent), Greek Orthodox Christianity (Nativity Fast, Lent, Assumption), Judaism (Yom Kippur, Tishah B’Av), and Islam (Ramadan).
  3. Ramadan marks the month during which Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) received the initial revelations of the Quran.
  4. If a person passes away during Ramadan without completing their fast, their guardian is obliged to fulfill the remaining fasts on their behalf.
  5. Charitable activities and donations typically surge during Ramadan.
  6. Ramadan is often referred to as the “Month of the Quran.”
  7. Properly observed fasting during Ramadan can trigger the release of endorphins, enhancing mental well-being and promoting detoxification.
  8. Many Muslims globally conclude their Ramadan fasts by sharing meals with the homeless, known as “feed it forward.”
  9. Islam, meaning “peace,” “security,” and “surrender,” is not restricted by race, as anyone from any ethnic background can embrace Islam.
  10. Islam is currently the fastest-growing religion worldwide.
  11. Numerous inventions have originated from the Islamic world, including citric acid, arabesque architecture, the minaret, and algebra.
  12. The term “algebra” is derived from the Arabic word Al Jabr.
  13. Islamic astronomy flourished in the Middle Ages, aiding Muslims in determining the direction of Makkah for prayers.
  14. While Muslims are often associated with the Arab world, only 15 percent of Muslims are Arabs, with adherents found across various ethnicities, nationalities, and countries.
  15. Indonesia boasts the world’s largest Muslim population, exceeding 225 million people.

This Ramadan Prayer Time Table for 2024 provides essential information for Muslims observing the holy month, highlighting the significance of fasting, prayer, and spiritual reflection. It also addresses common questions and misconceptions surrounding Ramadan, promoting understanding and inclusivity within diverse communities. As Muslims around the world unite in devotion and worship during Ramadan, may this guide serve as a source of inspiration and guidance for believers and non-believers alike. Ramadan Mubarak!

Written by Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna is the accomplished eCommerce and retail branding expert, renowned for creating captivating content, building brand reputation, and fostering brand growth. With expertise in targeted marketing campaigns and exceptional customer experiences, Sri Krishna cultivates brand loyalty and recognition. Through innovative branding strategies, Sri Krishna empowers businesses to succeed in the ever-evolving eCommerce and retail landscape.

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