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Arabic Basic Words for Everyday Use

Arabic Basic Words for Everyday Use

Arabic, a rich and captivating language, is widely spoken in the Middle East and North Africa. Learning some basic Arabic words can greatly enhance your experience when you’re at home, at a hotel, at school, at the hospital, or at the market. Here’s a selection of words to help you in various everyday situations:

At Home (في المنزل):

  1. Home – منزل (Manzil)
  2. Kitchen – مطبخ (Matbakh)
  3. Bedroom – غرفة نوم (Ghurfa nawm)
  4. Bathroom – حمام (Hammam)
  5. Living room – غرفة المعيشة (Ghurfa al-ma’ayisha)
  6. Family – عائلة (Aa’ila)
  7. Food – طعام (Ta’am)
  8. Bed – سرير (Sirir)
  9. Table – طاولة (Taawila)
  10. Chair – كرسي (Kursi)

At the Hotel (في الفندق):

  1. Hotel – فندق (Funduq)
  2. Room – غرفة (Ghurfa)
  3. Reservation – حجز (Hijz)
  4. Reception – استقبال (Istiqbal)
  5. Key – مفتاح (Miftah)
  6. Check-in – تسجيل الوصول (Tasjil al-wusul)
  7. Check-out – تسجيل الخروج (Tasjil al-khuruj)
  8. Breakfast – وجبة إفطار (Wajbat iftar)
  9. Wi-Fi – واي فاي (Wi-Fi)
  10. Pool – حمام سباحة (Hammam sabah)

At School (في المدرسة):

  1. School – مدرسة (Madrasa)
  2. Teacher – معلم (Mu’alim) [male], معلمة (Mu’alima) [female]
  3. Student – طالب (Talib) [male], طالبة (Taliba) [female]
  4. Classroom – فصل دراسي (Fasl dirasi)
  5. Homework – واجب منزلي (Wajib munzili)
  6. Book – كتاب (Kitab)
  7. Pen – قلم (Qalam)
  8. Exam – امتحان (Imtihan)
  9. Desk – مكتب (Maktab)
  10. Playground – ساحة اللعب (Saha al-lu’ub)

At the Hospital (في المستشفى):

  1. Hospital – مستشفى (Mustashfa)
  2. Doctor – طبيب (Tabib) [male], طبيبة (Tabiba) [female]
  3. Nurse – ممرض (Mumarrid) [male], ممرضة (Mumarrida) [female]
  4. Patient – مريض (Marid) [male], مريضة (Marida) [female]
  5. Emergency – طوارئ (Tawari)
  6. Medicine – دواء (Dawa)
  7. Appointment – موعد (Maw’id)
  8. X-ray – أشعة سينية (Ash’at sinia)
  9. Pain – ألم (Alam)
  10. Surgery – عملية جراحية (Amaliya jarahiya)

At the Market (في السوق):

  1. Market – سوق (Suq)
  2. Price – السعر (Al-si’r)
  3. Shopping – التسوق (Al-tasawuq)
  4. Money – نقود (Nuqud)
  5. Bargain – مساومة (Musawama)
  6. Groceries – مشتريات (Mushtarayat)
  7. Fruits – فواكه (Fawakeh)
  8. Vegetables – خضروات (Khudrawat)
  9. Meat – لحم (Lahm)
  10. Receipt – إيصال (Iisal)

Learning and using these basic Arabic words can make your daily life in Arabic-speaking countries more comfortable and enjoyable. So, don’t hesitate to start practicing and expanding your Arabic vocabulary!

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Written by Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna is the accomplished eCommerce and retail branding expert, renowned for creating captivating content, building brand reputation, and fostering brand growth. With expertise in targeted marketing campaigns and exceptional customer experiences, Sri Krishna cultivates brand loyalty and recognition. Through innovative branding strategies, Sri Krishna empowers businesses to succeed in the ever-evolving eCommerce and retail landscape.

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