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Do’s and Don’t of Non-Muslim In Qatar During Ramadan

Dos and Don't of Non-Muslim In Qatar During Ramadan

Ramadan is almost here and you should know the do’s and don’ts to follow if you’re a non-muslim in Qatar during this holy month when Muslims will be fasting from dawn to dusk for 29-30 days without taking any food or water in between for approximately 14 -14.5 hours this year.

Do’s Non-Muslim In Qatar During Ramadan

1.Wish Your Muslim Friends A Happy Ramadan

The common way to greet someone at the beginning of Ramadan is ‘Ramadan Mubarak’, ‘Ramadan Kareem’ is also quite common in other Arab countries.

2.Respect Working Hours

The working hours during Ramadan are reduced from eight hours to six hours a day in Qatar to facilitate those who are fasting and make it easier for them. It’s important to respect these working hours and try not to make people work longer hours who are fasting.

3.Enjoy The Night Activities

Most places are open till late night during Ramadan, there’s an air of festivity with lots of Ramadan decorations, night markets, different popups, kiosks, lots of food and much more. Most restaurants are open approximately till 2:30 am. Please note that most eateries during the daytime are closed with some exceptions in hotels.

4.Exchange Gifts With Your Muslim Friends

A better way to be part of the Ramadan festivities is to give gifts or little tokens to your Muslim friends as a show of friendly relations with them. They’ll love it.

5.Join Your Muslim Friends For Iftar (Breaking The Fast) When They Invite You

Muslims love sharing Iftar with family and friends. If you have been invite for Iftar, do accept it and enjoy Iftar with your Muslim friends. You’ll be offered lots of delicious and special foods!

Don’ts Non-Muslim In Qatar During Ramadan

1.Don’t Drink Or Eat When You Are In Public During Day

Avoid eating, drinking, or smoking in public. And if you are eating or drinking at work, be respectful to those that are fasting and avoid eating in front of them.

2.Don’t Feel Shy To Ask Questions About Ramadan And Fasting

If you have any questions about fasting or Ramadan or just want to understand more about it, don’t feel shy and ask your Muslim friends about it. They will be happy to clear any questions, doubts, misconceptions you have.

3.Don’t Ask Muslims Whether They’re Fasting Or Not

It is considered rude to ask if they’re fasting or not. Not every Muslim fasts during Ramadan, there are many reasons if they are not fasting. They may be too young, have a chronic illness, or may be pregnant or breastfeeding, or they may be too old to fast.

4.Don’t Invite Your Muslim Friends To Coffee Mornings, Lunch Parties Or Afternoon Teas

Avoid inviting muslim friends who are fasting before sunset, as they will have to turn down the invitation.

5.Don’t Get Offended If Your Muslim Friends Turn Down Invitations During Ramadan

Ramadan is a very holy month for Muslims, along with fasting they will focus on worshipping and being closer to God. Don’t get offended if they turn down your invitations.

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Written by Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna is the accomplished eCommerce and retail branding expert, renowned for creating captivating content, building brand reputation, and fostering brand growth. With expertise in targeted marketing campaigns and exceptional customer experiences, Sri Krishna cultivates brand loyalty and recognition. Through innovative branding strategies, Sri Krishna empowers businesses to succeed in the ever-evolving eCommerce and retail landscape.

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