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Proof Fund for Schengen Visa Requirements

Proof Fund

When you are applying for a Schengen Visa to visit any Schengen area, you require sufficient proof of finance.

Whenever you decide to travel to a Schegen country, you must fulfil the required means of subsistence, or otherwise you should be financially prepared to bear existential costs during your stay over there. This must absolutely be on your list before you travel. 

Do check out the Schengen Visa Application Requirement 

Whenever you plan to travel to Schengen country and apply for the visa, the Embassy will ask you to provide supporting documents, one of the documents will be a “Means of Subsistence”

This document is proof that you have an application seeking to visit a Schengen Country, and have the financial capability to travel and stay in the specific country of the Schengen Area, complying with the standard of living of that country. 

Basically, there are several accepted ways of proving your financial capability which are as follows:

  • Personal bank statements showing financial activity (at least for the last 3 months)
  • Credit card
  • Cash
  • Travel check
  • Payslip
  • Work confirmation
  • Documents confirming the sponsor’s willingness to cover the costs of the stay
  • Prepaid accommodation certificate
  • Documents related to stay
  • Proof of prepaid transportation
  • Other

Concerning the means of subsistence, the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No. 810/2009, better known as the “Visa Code,” states in Article 14(c): 

“Evidence of the applicant’s ability to provide for themselves during their stay, as well as their return to their country of origin or residence, or travelling to another country that they are sure will admit them, or demonstrating that they can lawfully acquire such means in accordance with Article 5(1)(c) and (3) of the Schengen Borders Code.”

While in its Article 21 (5) states: 

“The fiscal requirement for the purpose of the stay shall be evaluated considering the period and the objective of the stay and by referring to customary costs in the Member State(s) in question for housing and food in frugal lodgings, multiplied by the number of days of stay, based on the benchmark amounts determined by the Member States according to Article 34(1)(c) of the Schengen Borders Code. Sponsorship proof and/or private housing may also be evidence of sufficient means of subsistence.”

In spite of the “Visa Code” being introduced to enhance unity among Schengen countries, each nation is still permitted to implement distinctive national regulations. This means that each Schengen state is allowed to possess a certain degree of autonomy while setting the specific amount of financial means of subsistence for foreign visa candidates. This also implies that the stated sum might not necessarily coincide with the amount of financial means that another Schengen country might require from foreigners who wish to obtain its Visa.

In addition, here is the overview of country specific rules in regards to the amount of means of subsistence that each Schengen country demands from their foreign visa applicants.

Means of Living for Austria

The Austrian Federal Ministry for Europe, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs and all Austrian embassies and consulates abroad do not openly and precisely stipulate the necessary living expenses that foreign visa applicants must prove at the time of application about the Austrian visa. The amount of financial resources or cost of living is then implicitly regulated on an individual or case-by-case basis.

Means of Living for Belgium

According to the Belgian Immigration Service, the amount foreign natives applying for a Belgian visa at a Belgian embassy or consulate to enter and stay is €95 per day if staying in Belgium and €45 if you plan to stay at an economic cost. 

Means of Living for Czech Republic

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic stipulates CZK 1,100 for applicants for a short-term Czech visa as the amount of the necessary financial means that must be proven at the time of application. This equates to a stay of €42.50 per day

If the total planned stay in the Czech Republic exceeds 30 calendar days, the visa applicant has to provide to the Czech embassy or consulate a sum of 33,000 CZK or 1,274 EUR, plus an additional 4,400 CZK equivalent to 170 EUR locally, at the end of each month of your stay.

On the other hand, the ministry states that Czech long-term visa applicants must prove financial resources equivalent to 15 times the living minimum amount (CZK 2,200 or €85), then CZK 33,000 or €1,274, and double that minimum amount of CZK 4,400 or €170 after each month of stay. 

On the other hand, when applying for a Czech long-term business visa, the applicant must provide that the standard of living is 50 times the minimum subsistence, thus, 110,000 CZK or €4,245.

When applying for a long-term Czech student visa, you can prove your financial capacity in the form of a certificate from a state agency or organisation to cover your living expenses during your stay in the Czech Republic with a minimum of CZK 2,200. or 85€/day stay.

Note: Persons under the age of 18 must provide half or 50% of the required financial resources when applying for a Czech visa.

Means of Living for Denmark

As the Denmark visa code suggests, a Denmark visa applicant should have the required funds of almost 500 DKK or €67.24/day, if staying in a hostel or similar economic means, then the required financial amount is 350 DKK or €47.07. 

On the other hand, if the applicant prepays for the accommodation or the accommodation is taken over by a third party, the financial resources required by the Danish embassy or consulate to apply for a visa are further reduced.

Means of Living for Estonia

According to information from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Estonia, the amount of financial means that all foreigners applying for an Estonian visa has to show to the Estonian Embassy or Consulate is €100 per day for the duration of their stay in Estonia.

Means of Living for Finland

As required by the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, foreigners wishing to apply for a Finland visa must provide the proof of the possession of at least 30 EUR per day to the Finland Embassy

Means of Living for France

According to European Commission regulations, all foreigners wishing to enter France after 19 June 2014, applying for a French visa at a French Embassy or Consulate must be able to provide proof of the possession of 120 Euros (daily), if not holding any proof of prepaid accommodation. 

If the applicant has a prepaid hotel, this amount is reduced to €65 per day for the duration of the insured hotel stay, while the remaining is €120. The amount is reduced to €32.25/day, if the applicant provides cheaper means of accommodation.

Means of Living for Germany

As per the information from the European Commission, foreign applicants applying for a German visa must  provide proof of the possession of €45 per day to the German Embassy during their stay in German sovereign territory.

Means of Living for Greece

As reported by the European Commission, since December 24, 2007, by Joint Ministerial Decision No. 3021/22/10-f, all foreigners, citizens of non-EU countries are entitled to €50/day Embassy or If you apply for a Greek visa at a Greek Embassy, you will need a minimum of 300 EUR per day for a stay of 5 days.

Means of Living for Hungary

According to the European Commission’s directive, Decree No 25/2001. (XI. 21.) The Minister of Internal Affairs of Hungary stipulates that a foreign individual must submit 10,000 HUF or 24.30€ when entering Hungary with a Hungarian Visa. At this time, there is no other required amount of financial resources that must be presented to the Hungarian Embassy or Consulate when applying for a visa.

Means of Living Iceland

The European Commission has indicated that, in accordance with Icelandic legislation, a non-native person must certify to the Icelandic Embassy or Consulate that they have access to an amount of subsistence of 4,000 ISK or 28.83€/day when applying for an Icelandic Visa. The mandatory amount of money needed for entry into Iceland is 20,000 ISK or 144.13€.

Means of Living for Italy

According to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the following amounts are necessary for living and must be proven by foreigners currently applying for an Italian visa at an Italian Embassy or Consulate:

To Stay for 5 days

  • The total amount is 269.60€ /person and 212.81 /two and more persons.

To Stay for 6-10 days

  • The daily amount is 44.93€ per person and 26.33€ per two and more persons.

To Stay for 11-20 days

  • The total amount is 51.64€/person and 25.82€ per two and more persons, plus the daily amount is 36.67€ per person and 22.21€ per two and more persons.

To Stays for 20 days

  • The total amount is 206.58€ per person and 118.79€ per two and more persons, plus the daily amount is 27.89€/person and 17,04/ two and more persons.

Means of Living for Latvia

As the European Commission reveals, under the Immigration Law, foreign individuals who desire to gain access to and dwell in the Republic of Latvia ought to affirm having at least 14€/day for the extent of their sojourn, while presently submitting a Latvian Visa to the Latvian Embassy or Consulate.

Means of Living for Lithuania

According to the European Commission data, per the Regulation on the Status of Foreigners in Lithuania, a foreign individual who desires to enter the Republic of Lithuania must demonstrate to the Lithuanian Embassy or Consulate ownership of 40€/day when requesting a Lithuanian Visa.

Means of Living for Luxembourg

The European Commission has recently reported that no predetermined amount of financial resources is demanded of non-citizens when they submit a request for a Luxembourg Visa at the Luxembourg Embassy or Consulate.

Means of Living for Malta

As per  the information from the European Commission, foreigners wishing to enter Maltese territory must, when applying for a Maltese visa, carry €48 per day for the duration of their stay at a Maltese Embassy.

Means of Living for Netherlands

As per the information out by the European Commission,, foreigners wishing to enter Netherland territory, when applying for a Netherlands visa, need to have attestation of owning €34 per day during their stay at the Netherland embassy for the duration of their stay. 

Means of Living for Norway

The European Commission states that, according to Clause 17 (f) of the Norwegian Immigration Law, a person from overseas who wishes to go into Norway must demonstrate to the Embassy or Consulate at the time of submitting a Norwegian Visa request that they possess at least 500 NOK, which amounts to 53.34€. Even so, this amount is not set in stone and is usually determined on an individual basis.

Means of Living for Poland

As per the details provided by the European Commission, the Minister for Internal Affairs and Administration Regulation of 2008 requires foreign nationals trying to enter the area of the Republic of Poland to affirm having a certain quantity of funds for sustenance when applying for a Poland Visa at the Poland Embassy or Consulate.

To stay for 3 Days

  • The total amount is 300 PLN or 67.76€

If stay exceeds 3 Days

  • The per day amount is 100 PLN or 22.59€

If the lodging expenses are taken care of by a different source or before the trip, the day by day total diminishes to 20 PLN or 4.52€.

Means of Living for Portugal

According to the European Commission, a foreign individual must demonstrate possessing 40€/day when applying for a Portugal Visa at the Portugal Embassy or Consulate

Moreover, everyone who enters the country of Portugal must be able to display an amount of 75€ on each occasion. 

Note: Foreigners who can prove that their living and diet expenses are taken care of during their stay in Portugal may be exempted from having to pay the aforementioned sums.

Means of Living for Slovakia

According to the European Commission, Article 4 of Act No 48/2002 Coll. Governing the presence of foreign nationals in the Slovak Republic necessitates the demonstration to the Slovak Embassy or Consulate, upon application for a Slovak Visa, that one holds an amount of 56€/day for the duration of the stay, while applying for Slovakia Visa

Means of Living for Slovenia

Another time, as informed by the European Commission, based on Article 7 of the Guidelines for Denying Admission to Aliens, the criteria for granting visas at checkpoints, the qualifications for granting visas for humanitarian purposes and the approach for revoking visas, a foreigner desiring to enter the domain of Slovenia must demonstrate possessing the sum of 70€/day to expend during their stay in Slovenia. The foreigner will have to demonstrate this amount to the Slovenian Embassy or Consulate while applying for a Slovenian Visa

Note: This total is diminished to 50% or 35€ in the case of minors, their parents, and authorized representatives.

Means of Living for Spain

Regarding what the European Commission has reported, under the Directive of the Ministry of the Presidency of Spain (PRE/1282/2007), a person from abroad who desires to enter the country of Spain must prove that they possess at least €100 per day, with a minimum of €900 per individual regardless of their planned duration of stay. The international individual must demonstrate that they possess this amount to the Spanish Embassy or Consulate when applying for a Spanish Visa.

Means of Living for Sweden

According to the European Commission, as of November 15th, 2011, someone from abroad looking to enter Sweden must demonstrate that they have 450 SEK or 48.26€ for each day spent in Sweden when applying for a Swedish Visa at the Swedish Embassy or Consulate.

Means of Living for Switzerland

As the European Commission states, per the Swiss Aliens Act of 16 December 2005 (RS 142.20), a foreign individual desiring to come into and stay in Switzerland must be able to demonstrate having at least 100 CHF or 92.34€/day available to them during their stay in the country. 

Nonetheless, if the foreigner is a pupil with a legitimate student ID, this sum reduces to 30 CHF or 27.70€/day. An outsider is obligated to furnish this verification of sufficient monetary assets when applying for a Swiss Visa at the Swiss Embassy or Consulate.

Means of Living for Liechtenstein

The European Commission also declares that a person from abroad wishing to go into Liechtenstein must demonstrate they have access to roughly 100 CHF or 92.34€ each day during their stay in the country, which is equivalent to the case of Switzerland. Nevertheless, if the foreigner is a student with a valid student ID, this amount reduces to 30 CHF or 27.70€/day. This amount must be certified to the Liechtenstein Embassy or Consulate by the alien visitor when applying for a Liechtenstein Visa.

Note: It is highly recommended to contact the Embassy or Consulate of the Schengen country you intend to visit for the most recent regulations.

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Written by Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna is the accomplished eCommerce and retail branding expert, renowned for creating captivating content, building brand reputation, and fostering brand growth. With expertise in targeted marketing campaigns and exceptional customer experiences, Sri Krishna cultivates brand loyalty and recognition. Through innovative branding strategies, Sri Krishna empowers businesses to succeed in the ever-evolving eCommerce and retail landscape.

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