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Some interesting Facts about Eid al-Fitr [2024]


Eid al-Fitr is the most eminent Islamic Festival celebrated by billions of Muslims all over the world.  This festival is also known as the “Festival of Breaking the Fast.” Eid al-Fitr is celebrated at the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting and on the first day of the Islamic month of Shawwal. Considered as the most important days in Islamic calendar, Muslims express their gratitude to Allah for everything he has provided them. So, this can be also called as “The day of thanksgiving & joy.”  On this day, people gathered, pray, and feast together and also greet each other with sweets and Eidi (Eid gifts).  Apart from all these beautiful tradition, these are some interesting facts about Eid al-Fitr you would love to know.

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Sweet Eid

Eid al-Fitr, the happy end of Ramadan, celebrated with the sweet treats all over the world. Traditional sweet dishes such as sevaiyaan in India, Baklava in Turkey, Ketupat in Indonesia and many more delicacies are made to mark the sweet end of this festival. This festival is also known as Sweet Eid due to immense number of sweets.

A Three Day Muslim Festival

This festival involves a three-day celebration, in which Muslims pray, feast, gather, exchange gifts and help the needy. In some countries, it may celebrated for four days.

A Day of Thanksgiving to Allah

This day is known for thanksgiving to Allah for his eternal blessings. People bow down to Allah for giving them a chance to enjoy the blessings of this holy month called Ramadan.

Eid Mubarak

EID Mubarak

On the special occasion of Eid al-Fitr, people visit the local Masjid for prayers and greet each other “Eid Mubarak.” It’s the typical saying during this festival. Do you know the exact meaning of these beautiful Arabic words? Eid Mubarak means “Blessed Eid” or “Happy Eid.” Different countries have different languages; therefore, the way of greeting may vary, but the emotion behind these pious words is the same. E.g.; In Indonesia, a famous saying is, “Mohon maaf lahir batin” which means “Please forgive me for anything wrong I have done.”

On this special day, people greet each other with “Eid Mubarak.” These are Arabic words means “Blessed Eid” or “Happy Eid.”  Due to the different languages, different countries may use different way of greeting, but the emotion and love behind these words are the same.

Read more Do you know what ‘Eid Mubarak’ means?

Zakat al-Fitr

Doing charity is the major feature of this holy month. Muslims call this donation as Zakat al-Fitr that is given to the poor and needy people. Muslims believe that by doing this charity, they may get a chance to cleanse their soul from any sins they have committed. Also, this will give them inner peace and happiness and it is the most beautiful part of this festival.

Exchanging Gifts

Gifts are known to be a perfect medium for expressing our love and emotions for others. Exchanging gifts is highly involved in this festival and called as the “Eidi.” To increase char of the moment people give accessories, money, sweets and flowers to each other.

First Eid al-Fitr Dinner at White House

Do you know that every year, White House hosts the Eid al-Fitr dinner? This tradition was started by the Hillary Clinton in 1996 where prominent members the Muslim American Community attended the dinner and later it has been continued with every president.

Eid ul Fitr, Muslims are encouraged to break their fast and celebrate the completion of Ramadan with a feast and social gatherings.

The festival starts with a light breakfast, also known as suhoor, which is consumed before dawn. This is followed by the Eid prayer, which is performed in congregation at the mosque or an outdoor location. After the prayer, Muslims greet each other and exchange Eid wishes.

The rest of the day is spent in festivities, including the large spread of food that you mentioned, as well as social gatherings with family and friends. It is a time for Muslims to express gratitude, celebrate, and strengthen their relationships with loved ones.

Known for Different Names in Different Countries

This beautiful festival is known for different names in different countries, such as “Ramazan Bairami” in Azerbaijan, “Lebaran” in Indonesia, “Korite” in Senegal, and “Hari Raya Puasa” in Malaysia. But no matter, what is the name, the emotion behind this festival is always remain the same.

Public Holiday

In Muslim Countries, Eid is considered as the public holiday. So celebrate this festival with great enthusiasm with your family, friends, and relatives and show your gratitude to Allah for a blessed life.

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Frequently Asked Questions on EID UL Fitr 2024

What is the significance of Eid Ul Fitr?

Eid Ul Fitr marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast from dawn to sunset. The celebration signifies gratitude to Allah for the strength and guidance to observe the fasts and to seek forgiveness for past sins.

How is Eid Ul Fitr celebrated?

Eid Ul Fitr is celebrated with prayers, family gatherings, and feasting. Muslims dress up in new or traditional clothes, offer special Eid prayers in congregations, and exchange gifts and greetings.

What are some traditional foods eaten during Eid Ul Fitr?

Some traditional foods eaten during Eid Ul Fitr include sweet dishes such as Sheer Khurma, vermicelli pudding, and savory dishes like biryani, samosas, and kebabs.

Is Eid Ul Fitr a public holiday?

Eid Ul Fitr is a public holiday in many countries with significant Muslim populations, including Muslim-majority countries and others such as Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

How do Muslims prepare for Eid Ul Fitr?

Muslims prepare for Eid Ul Fitr by observing the last ten days of Ramadan with increased devotion and worship. They also clean their homes and bodies, purchase new clothes, and prepare special foods for the upcoming celebration.

Are there any specific prayers or rituals associated with Eid Ul Fitr?

Yes, Muslims offer special Eid prayers in congregations, which consist of two units of prayer and a sermon. They also recite Takbir, the declaration of the greatness of Allah.

Can non-Muslims participate in Eid Ul Fitr celebrations?

Yes, non-Muslims are welcome to participate in Eid Ul Fitr celebrations as a way to learn more about the Islamic faith and culture.

Are there any traditional gifts given during Eid Ul Fitr?

Yes, it is traditional to exchange gifts and greetings during Eid Ul Fitr. Common gifts include clothes, sweets, and money.

How long does Eid Ul Fitr typically last?

Eid Ul Fitr typically lasts for one to three days, depending on the country and region.

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Written by Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna is the accomplished eCommerce and retail branding expert, renowned for creating captivating content, building brand reputation, and fostering brand growth. With expertise in targeted marketing campaigns and exceptional customer experiences, Sri Krishna cultivates brand loyalty and recognition. Through innovative branding strategies, Sri Krishna empowers businesses to succeed in the ever-evolving eCommerce and retail landscape.

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