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Know about the Salary and Employment Benefits in Doha Qatar

Salary and Employment Benefits in Doha Qatar

The salaries offered in Qatar are often comparable to those offered in western nations. However, due to the absence of personal taxation, employees can expect to take home a higher net income, which is a significant draw for those considering working in Qatar.

In the past, remuneration packages in Qatar were often comprised of various elements, such as a basic salary, car allowance, housing allowance, medical coverage, education support for children, and airfare for home visits. Nowadays, many employers have streamlined their compensation packages and offer a single salary to cover these expenses, although some companies still provide additional bonuses and perks.

Here are some of the common benefits that employers offer to employees – 


The indemnity system in Qatar is an important component of the employment benefits for contract workers. This system is mandated by law and requires employers to pay an indemnity to their employees at the end of their employment contract. The amount of indemnity is calculated based on the employee’s basic salary and is not related to any insurance or retirement benefits.

The indemnity system is intended to provide financial security for workers who have completed their contract and are transitioning to a new job or returning to their home country. For those who have worked in Qatar for an extended period of time, the indemnity can be quite substantial and is often considered a significant component of their overall compensation package.

The amount of indemnity paid to workers in Qatar depends on the length of their employment. For the first three years of employment, workers are entitled to receive between 15 to 20 days of basic pay for each year worked. After the initial three years, workers are entitled to receive one month’s basic pay for each year of employment.

It should be noted that some employers in Qatar may offer additional benefits and bonuses to their employees, such as health insurance, housing allowances, and transportation allowances. These benefits can vary depending on the employer and the employee’s position within the company.

Overall, the indemnity system is an important aspect of the employment benefits in Qatar, providing financial security and stability for contract workers who have completed their term of employment.


Upon the completion of their employment, a worker in Qatar is entitled to receive an end of service gratuity. To be eligible for this gratuity, the worker must have completed a minimum of five years of employment. The amount of gratuity will be agreed upon by both the worker and the employer, but it cannot be less than three weeks’ wages for each year of employment. If the worker has worked for more than five years, the gratuity can be calculated at 30 days’ pay for each year of service. The last basic wage received by the worker will be used as the base for the calculation of the gratuity. It is important to note that the employer may deduct any amount due to them from the service gratuity.

Read More : How To Calculate End Of Service Gratuity In Qatar 2023


Annual leave is a key component of employment benefits in Qatar, and it is regulated by the country’s labor law. Employers are required to provide their workers with annual leave, which is a paid period of time off work. This leave is intended to allow workers to rest and spend time with their families, and it is an important aspect of the work-life balance.

The duration of annual leave in Qatar is determined by the length of service of the employee. Workers who have been with their employer for less than five years are entitled to a minimum of three weeks of annual leave. Those who have been with their employer for more than five years are entitled to a minimum of four weeks of annual leave.

In addition to the minimum annual leave entitlement, some employers may offer additional leave benefits to their workers. This could include longer periods of annual leave, or additional paid leave for special occasions such as weddings, births, or bereavement.

Employers are required to plan and schedule annual leave in advance, and they must provide workers with written notice of the dates of their annual leave at least two weeks in advance. Employers may not require workers to take their annual leave during peak periods of work, and they must ensure that workers have the opportunity to take their leave within the prescribed period.

In cases where workers are unable to take their annual leave due to work-related reasons, employers must provide compensation in lieu of the leave. This compensation is usually calculated based on the worker’s basic salary, and it is equivalent to the salary the worker would have earned during the period of annual leave.

Overall, annual leave is an important benefit for workers in Qatar, and it is a fundamental right that is protected by the country’s labor laws. Employers who fail to provide workers with their entitled annual leave or who violate the regulations regarding annual leave may be subject to penalties and fines under the law.

Sick leave

It is important to note that employers in Qatar are required by law to provide sick leave benefits to their employees. After completing three months of continuous service, workers are entitled to paid sick leave each year, subject to the submission of a medical certificate.

If the sick leave does not exceed two weeks, the employee will receive full salary. However, if the sick leave extends beyond two weeks but not more than four weeks, the employee will receive half of their salary for the next four weeks.

If the employee’s sick leave extends beyond four weeks, they may be granted an extension of leave without pay until they are able to resume work, resign, or their service is terminated due to health reasons. However, if the employee is unable to return to work and a physician’s report indicates that they are unfit to continue their employment, their service may be terminated at the end of the 12th week of sick leave.

Pilgrimage leave

As a Muslim employee, you have the right to request for leave without pay to perform Hajj or Umrah, which should not exceed two weeks in duration, during your employment period.

However, the employer will specify the number of workers who can take this leave each year, depending on the company’s work requirements. The priority will be given to those employees who have worked for a longer period. The leave will only be granted if the work condition permits and it won’t adversely affect the company’s operations.


In addition to annual leave, employees in Qatar are entitled to public holidays, including Eid Al Fitr, Eid Al Adha, Independence Day, and National Sports Day, as well as any other festive days specified by the employer. Muslim employees are also eligible for a pilgrimage leave without pay for a maximum of two weeks during their period of employment. Female employees who have completed one year of service are entitled to maternity leave for 50 days.

Salaries in Qatar 2023

As of 2023, the average salary in Qatar varies depending on the job and industry. Here are some estimated monthly average salaries based on occupation:

  • CEO/Managing Director: QAR 50,000 – QAR 100,000
  • IT Manager: QAR 20,000 – QAR 30,000
  • Marketing Manager: QAR 18,000 – QAR 25,000
  • Human Resources Manager: QAR 18,000 – QAR 25,000
  • Finance Manager: QAR 20,000 – QAR 30,000
  • Sales Manager: QAR 15,000 – QAR 25,000
  • Engineer: QAR 15,000 – QAR 25,000
  • Accountant: QAR 8,000 – QAR 15,000
  • Graphic Designer: QAR 6,000 – QAR 10,000
  • Teacher: QAR 8,000 – QAR 15,000

It’s important to note that these are only estimated salaries and can vary based on a number of factors such as experience, qualifications, and company size.

Monthly Average Salaries Based on Occupation (Managerial positions).

Here are some estimated monthly average salaries for managerial positions in Qatar:

  1. Chief Executive Officer (CEO): QAR 70,000 – QAR 90,000
  2. Chief Financial Officer (CFO): QAR 50,000 – QAR 70,000
  3. Human Resources Director: QAR 35,000 – QAR 50,000
  4. Marketing Director: QAR 30,000 – QAR 45,000
  5. IT Director: QAR 30,000 – QAR 45,000
  6. Operations Manager: QAR 25,000 – QAR 35,000
  7. Sales Manager: QAR 20,000 – QAR 30,000
  8. Project Manager: QAR 18,000 – QAR 25,000
  9. Business Development Manager: QAR 18,000 – QAR 25,000
  10. Finance Manager: QAR 15,000 – QAR 25,000

Average Monthly Salaries in Qatar Based on Job Category 2023

Here are some average monthly salaries in Qatar based on job category:

  1. Administration/HR: QR 8,000 – QR 25,000
  2. Banking/Finance: QR 8,000 – QR 35,000
  3. Construction/Engineering: QR 8,000 – QR 30,000
  4. Education/Training: QR 7,000 – QR 25,000
  5. Healthcare/Medical: QR 7,000 – QR 35,000
  6. Hospitality/Tourism: QR 6,000 – QR 20,000
  7. IT/Telecom: QR 8,000 – QR 35,000
  8. Legal: QR 10,000 – QR 35,000
  9. Marketing/PR/Advertising: QR 8,000 – QR 25,000
  10. Oil/Gas/Energy/Mining: QR 10,000 – QR 40,000
  11. Sales/Retail: QR 6,000 – QR 25,000
  12. Transportation/Logistics: QR 7,000 – QR 25,000

Please note that these are just average ranges and can vary depending on various factors such as the company, job experience, qualifications, and industry demand.

Here’s the list of average salaries in Qatar over the past years:

Year Average Salaries

2017 QR15,826

2018 QR16,269 (growth of 3%)

2019 QR16,594 (growth of 2%)

2020 QR16,794 (growth of 1%)

2021 QR16,930 (growth of 0.8%)

2022 QR17,065 (growth of 0.8%)

As per the latest salary reports, it can be seen that wages are on the rise this year too. 

Read More : How much does it cost for living in Qatar

FAQs on Salary and Employment Benefits in Qatar:

What is the minimum wage in Qatar?

There is no official minimum wage in Qatar. However, the Labor Law requires employers to provide a wage that is fair and reasonable based on the nature of the work performed.

Are employees in Qatar entitled to end-of-service gratuity?

Yes, employees who have completed at least five years of employment are entitled to end-of-service gratuity. The gratuity amount should not be less than three-week wages for each year of employment, and it is usually based on the employee’s last drawn basic wage.

How much paid annual leave are employees entitled to in Qatar?

Employees are entitled to a minimum of three weeks’ paid annual leave in Qatar, with an additional week of leave for employees who have completed five years of continuous service.

Are employees entitled to sick leave in Qatar?

Yes, employees are entitled to paid sick leave in Qatar. The sick leave can be availed of after completion of three months in service and requires a medical certificate. The employee will be paid full wage if sick leave does not exceed two weeks, and half the salary for the next four weeks if the sick leave extends.

Are female employees entitled to maternity leave in Qatar?

Yes, female employees are entitled to maternity leave in Qatar. They can avail of 50 days’ maternity leave on completion of one year of job.

Are employees entitled to public holidays in Qatar?

Yes, employees are entitled to public holidays in Qatar, including Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, Independence Day, National Sports Day, and other festive days as determined by the employer.

Are employees in Qatar taxed on their income?

No, employees in Qatar are not subject to income tax on their salaries.

Are employees entitled to overtime pay in Qatar?

Yes, employees who work beyond their regular working hours are entitled to overtime pay, which is usually 1.25 times their regular hourly wage.

What is the typical workweek in Qatar?

The typical workweek in Qatar is 48 hours per week, with a maximum of six working days per week.

Are employees entitled to a bonus in Qatar?

Bonuses are not mandatory in Qatar, but many employers do offer bonuses to their employees as a form of performance-based incentive or as part of their end-of-service benefits.

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Written by Sri Krishna

Sri Krishna is the accomplished eCommerce and retail branding expert, renowned for creating captivating content, building brand reputation, and fostering brand growth. With expertise in targeted marketing campaigns and exceptional customer experiences, Sri Krishna cultivates brand loyalty and recognition. Through innovative branding strategies, Sri Krishna empowers businesses to succeed in the ever-evolving eCommerce and retail landscape.

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